They say to the seers, "See no more visions!", and to the prophets, "Give us no more visions of what is right, tell us pleasant things, prophecy illusions” [Isaiah]
Imagine ... no Heaven ... no Hell ... no religion ... no possessions ... no countries [John Lennon], no more war, I say [Bob Marley], give peace a chance [John Lennon].
God only acts and is in existing beings of men [William Blake], we are the spirit, the collective conscience ...we create the pain, the suffering and the beauty in this world [Tracy Chapman].
“If, as one people speaking the same language, they have begun to do this - then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language, so they will not understand each other."
So the LORD scattered them from there over all The Earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel (meaning confusion) - because there the LORD confused the language[s] of the whole world ... and scattered them over the face of the whole earth” [Genesis 11]
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them [Tolkien].
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that [Martin Luther King Jr.], what we need is love [Bob Marley] - all you need is love [John Lennon] , one love [Bob Marley], one world, one vision [Freddie Mercury], one heart and one soul, [Ian Brown] all religions are one [William Blake], and The World will live as one [John Lennon].
Now is the return of Adam to Paradise [William Blake], we are born inside the gates [Tracy Chapman] and there are no truths outside The Gates of Eden [Bob Dylan].
Civilisation is on the brink of collapse, within twenty years we will know the future. I am Evil, I am Time [The Jester, 1988]; ask tomorrow, I am the end [David Bowie]- it’s the end of the world as we know it.. and I feel fine [Michael Stipe].
The words of everyday prophets, edited by Josh 'The Jester' Steed, aka Mr. K
I support many of the specific aims and noble ideals that the Facebook site 'Say No To The New World Order' espouses - but ultimately I am
This article started out as a Facebook Wall posting on that site, but quickly got too big for Facebook, and even outgrew its own boots. It is now a (slightly unhinged) open-letter on where I stand (ti regarding 'The New World Order', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'Mystery Schools', 'The Illuminati' etc. It is pretty much a summary of an entire perspective, so by necessity it does get progressively Esoteric - when you stop understanding please feel free to stop reading.
"For all the Truth-Seekers & Freedom Fighters among you, those who know something is just not right in this world, but want to know what exactly is going on"
'Say No To The New World Order', Facebook site]
Yes, 'The Old World Order' enslaves with money and promotes conflict. Many people on this site are probably Anarchists - Anarchy stands no chance in a divided world and the bad smell of Capitalism must be removed. And while the word 'government' has many negative connotations, and there should be no world 'government' as we understand the word, a single organising mechanism must exist in order to facilitate the fair and proper distribution of resources so that we can get on with our lives in peace.
If 'they' remove the existing governmental structures for us and introduce a single cashless economy - this is great! This is exactly what I always wanted them to do, long before I heard of any rumour of such a conspiracy. If they use it to implement a police state and further the inequality, suffering, conflict and suffering of humanity? Then we will stop 'them', we are Many and passive resistance should be sufficient. Think of it - No more money! No more war! 'Each free to choose forever from the all' [William Blake].
Clearly power should be devolved absolutely, and the 'leaders' of this new epoch will be better described as 'organisers' or 'facilitators', but it is still a New World Order - and I think, in a sense, this world we want is grammatically speaking 'The New World Order', as we are not going to let any other world order happen, at least not for very long - and we are Many.
For so long I had pondered how to use pacifist means to tear out the existing institutions, the abomination of national governments and the pathetic stage-show they call 'politics', the (spit!) economy and its inevitable extreme inequalities - according to the conspiracy theorists they are going to do it all for me - I just have to sit on my arse. How cool is that?!
I have been advised to call what we seek a 'New Global Community' to differentiate it from 'New World Order' - but in truth it does not need a name, for in truth we do not need more names to further divide us. Names are static, for millennia we have stood behind various names, while all the time the truth, snakelike, writhed behind us - and all too often seemed to betray the names we trusted. Yet it was never the truth that betrayed us, for we never trusted the truth - indeed, we rarely dared look behind us - always, it seems, we trusted in the name.
If the solution is 'One World, One Love' [Bob Marley] and 'No countries' [John Lennon] - then how can we oppose a new global community? Yes, yes, we want the best possible 'world order', one of freedom and trust, not of slavery and alienation, this is true, very true - but how can we be taken seriously if we oppose any attempt to cure human suffering? If we respond with hatred? Mirror-like, the hated have a tendency to respond only with more hate - no, if we want our views to be taken seriously we must respond with constructive criticism. As long as we harbour hatred and fear there will always be conflict, 'where there is hate there cannot be love' [Krishnamurthi]. Hate repels and further divides and breeds conflicts - it is the breaker of things. Love unifies, absorbs and includes - it is The Fixer of things. It heals.
"For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology." [Alex Jones]
My ego-instinct repels me from eliminating 80% of the World's population. While the inner-sage says "there is no coming and going - we are all waves upon the ocean, we never left The Sea". It took me a long time to agree to this during my initiation (does this make me another 'Man Who Sold The World'?). I had hoped it would happen by 'natural' causes - you know, big comet, plants releasing deadly spores, like in the Shymalan movie 'The Happening', something like that - I'm really not big AT ALL on individual humans taking such a decision upon themselves, I think that this called 'not learning the lessons of time' (particularly the one called 'The Uncelebrated Mr Hitler'). This later scenario is more like Terry Gilliam's film 'Twelve Monkey's', I'd try and stop it for the above reason.
Here's a pitch for a better movie for the End of Time - the elite put all the systems in place for a perfect world that they can enjoy, and plan to eliminate 80% of the world's population with a virus - just as it appears that all is lost the plants all release a virus that kills the elite.
It's 'Twelve Monkey's' crossed with 'The Happening'.
Not being alive has a very bad press these days anyway, doesn't anybody actually believe in the spirit anymore? Doesn't anybody feel it? At least someone agrees with me ..
The flood it is gathering
Soon it will move
Across every valley
Against every roof
The body will drown
And the soul will break loose
I write all this down
But I don't have the proof
Leonard Cohen, 'Book of Longing', Sinai, 1973
Hang on, didn't YHWH promise that HE THAT IS wouldn't send another flood?
And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9
Yesterday I found out that Jose Arguelles is, apparently, the man in charge of making sure there are enough rainbows to get the message across -
"We worked out an experiment.. to see if the different groups could co-ordinate and create rainbow effects in the sky... at the end of the seven weeks the sky was just filled with rainbows.. charged with plasmas.. in 2012 we will create a circumpolar rainbow bridge.. When the rainbow bridge appears the star people and the ancestors will return " Jose Arguelles
Of course, somewhere there is a rationalist inside me that says 'outrageous!' - yet, I am not taking the piss at all when I say this - if we judge words by their effect on consciousness (this is the philosophy of 'phenomenology') then what effects are Alex Jones and Jose Arguelles respectively creating in our psyches? One is promoting hatred of 'The Illuminati' and fear of death, World War III and 'The New World Order', the other is promoting a New Age of love without conflict and without fear.
I really don't know how the 'Say NO To The New World Order Site' can so blatantly promote fear and hate while so prominently featuring the quote -
Thinking about it, if love is the only engine of survival, then cultivating hatred and fear in oneself and the collective psyche is positively suicide.
Suddenly I am reminded of the wisdom of the Ancient Egyptians and everything becomes crystal clear! My apologies for quoting Wikipedia, hieroglyphs are very pretty, but they're all ancient Egyptian to me.
"In Egyptian belief, the universe was governed by the force of ma'at.. the fixed, eternal order of the universe.
While the Egyptians recognized that time is linear, they also saw it as cyclical, in that each of these patterns represented a renewal of ma'at and a defeat of disorder, and thus a repetition of the original creation of the universe. Therefore, the theme of cosmic renewal was present in many Egyptian rituals.
To reach [a] pleasant afterlife, the soul had to avoid a variety of supernatural dangers, before undergoing a final judgment known as the "Weighing of the Heart". In this judgment, the gods compared the actions of the deceased while alive (symbolized by the heart, the center of reason and emotion in Egyptian belief) to ma'at (symbolized by a feather), to determine whether he or she had behaved in accordance with ma'at.
If the deceased had not done so in life, then he or she could not be expected to do so in the afterlife, and was thus destroyed by the demon Ammut. If the deceased was judged worthy, his or her ba and ka were united into an 'akh'"
[the 'ba' is that part of you which is individual to you, which develops and changes with you throughout your life, the 'ka' is that part of you which is like God. Some people use the words 'soul' and 'spirit' in this sense. Their union is referred to in Buddhism as 'realising your Buddha-nature'. and by Rosicrucians and Crowley et al as 'The Chemical Wedding']
How does this make everything 'crystal clear'? Perhaps it is first necessary to reconsider what I said earlier about names being tricks we use to describe discrete points in a constant dynamic process. For a start, it enables us to better understand the shifting patterns of names that the ancient Egyptians use for their 'Gods', as this is uninstinctive to those children of the dogmatised Abrahamic traditions to whom I address this, and who all too often either choose to disregard scripture entirely, or regard it as being as immutable as that which it emerges from, and who similarly attach nearly infinite value to different names of 'G-d' and different aspects of 'G-d'.
As you can see, I highly approve of the profound Jewish practise of missing out the vowels when naming THAT WHICH IS BEYOND NAMES, for this serves as a constant visual reminder that what we are speaking of is, indeed, utterly beyond naming. It is clearly idolatry to regard this practise as only applying to one's own Sacred names for G-d, whether the idol is a Golden Calf or a word it remains an idol. To insist otherwise obviously utterly negates the purpose of stating that it cannot be named in the first place. I would hate to offend anyone by this statement, but I am absolutely convinced of its ultimate irrefutably in the face of that which actually IS, I am sorry if it does not appeal to you as an idea.
The ancient Egyptians are held in particularly high esteem by many of what might broadly be described as 'Mystery Schools' (e.g. Thelamists, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Template Foundation) - it is as if their ideas are widely regarded as a root religion to which we should return.
But how can this reverence be reserved for a belief system so filled with obvious contradictions? What use is a shifting hierarchy of Gods that doesn't even correlate across regions, let alone across time? What use is a mythology that appears to not only evolve, but to change radically, even over short periods of time? How can we codify this organic religion that enshrines the right of successive generations of Egyptians to reinvent the constructs of the last to best explain their personal experiences of the divine? How can we pin it down? How can we organise it?
"Truth, being limitless... cannot be organised; nor should any organisation be formed to lead or coerce people along any particular path. If you first understand that, then you will see how impossible it is to organise a belief. A belief is purely an individual matter, and you cannot and must not organise it. If you do, it becomes dead, crystallised; it becomes a creed, a sect, a religion, to be imposed on others." Krishnamurthi
'Oh', you might well say.
If Krishna Murthi had meant that you shouldn't organise your ideas in order to share and celebrate their beauty and limitlessness? He would have been talking about the end of art, and after giving his speech disbanding the Order of the Star (incl. the words above) he should have bloody well shut up rather than droning on and on and on about the End of Time and the nature of truth and consciousness.
The Ancient Egyptian commitment to this principle appears to me as close to absolute as has been seen in all history - for over a thousand years they created monumental artworks that seemingly miraculously organise their beliefs while absolutely failing to dogmatise them. For generation after generation they continued to grasp the truth, while the outward forms changed like patterns in a kaleidoscope, merging together, splitting apart. Is it so hard now to grasp that which was actually fundamental to their beliefs?
This period was characterised by devolution of power from the Pharoah and the erosion of barriers between social classes, something to which the modern Western observer is likely to view as 'a good thing', a positive social outcome - though we would never see the like of the Great Pyramids again, for they were the product of the greatest concentration of wealth.
I will be adding to this section at a later date - but for now I must sleep. Please feel free to read on, if you dare - or do a little dance, make a little love etc. Whatever. My apologies for the interruption. Please note I welcome all input, everything I write is always a work in progress, and being a specialist in the synthesis of all branches of human knowledge it is inevitable that my knowledge of each is a little sketchy. Right now I could do with an Egyptologist, as I know nothing (being a specialist in all branches of human knowledge pretty much equates to being a specialist in none)
I think it is inevitable and right that we whould view secretive organisations with suspicion, and the journeys every mystery school presents is always fraught with riddles, half-truths, contradictions - yet what choice do they have when the truth cannot be 'told'-
Truth is a pathless land, you cannot approach it by any organisation, by any religion whatsoever.. I adhere to this absolutely and unconditionally" Krishnamurthi
The truth cannot be 'known' for it is deeper than words, it has to be felt, it is a state of higher awareness - it is not something you can just read in a book or that someone can simply tell you. It is 'The Chemical Wedding' in which the individual realises their individual ego never left the one, the marriage of Microcosm and Macrocosm, of One and Many, of Innocence and Experience, of Heaven and Hell, of Ba and Ka.
Yes, knowledge of this variety knowledge has been closely guarded by the Illuminated, but my research and experience would suggest that this knowledge, until recently, needed to be disseminated carefully and in a certain sequence - it is knowledge of a very different order, and if misunderstood, or understood in part, can drive people insane or to terrible acts. Of course - I am not suggesting for a moment that the Masons etc have not been a hotbed of misuse of this knowledge, but when the veil of illusion comes down everything will be illuminated and we will see that ultimately the Masons, Rosicrucians, & the 'Illuminati' in general, were actually on our side - or rather there never were any sides, no US and THEM, just a single necessary and majestic process of BEING and BECOMING.
I have full permission to expose any and all secrets and mysteries - and yes, there there has been a huge conspiracy throughout time - but ironically I think that WE are part of it. Yes, yes, part of its end, yes - but existent things subject to the laws of time as we perceive them are always in the process of ending, so all who have been involved in this conspiracy, all the seekers of light, we have all played our various roles in this great tapestry's infinite unfolding towards it end. The beginning and end are a single point, they have no dimensions. There is only BEING and we are it's BECOMING, and while the becoming endures only to the end - nothing will be lost, I promise you this.
You want secrets? I have no secrets. I have knowledge, but no-one can lead you to the truth. The more you know the bigger the cage of names, the greater the wall of words that keeps you from the truth. Stop! Stop reading now! I have no respect for the proper order. The Green Man has already emerged from the portion of The Seal that has been unseen, hidden for all this time - the seal is about to be fully broken and a single light will shine on all things, that which YOU ARE and I AM will remember our Nature, true Nature. When the unmanifest Sephira of Da'at (higer knowledge) is seen? The left and right Sephira will become as illusions, as a cage you have outgrown - this will be the beginning of the ending of conflict, both inner and outer. We will cease to BECOME and will BE, 'each free forever to choose from the All' [William Blake]
I told you to stop reading, why does nobody listen to me? Lets face it, no-one is reading this. If anyone has got this far it will be those who are already polluted by something of which I speak, and this twisted vine does not need to be untangled absolutely alone, for we are never and always alone, and the truth is both within and without.
'God only ACTS and IS in existing beings of men' William Blake
We are heading towards a convergence of human knowledge, the knowledge of what it is to know, of consciousness. What do I mean? Think for a second - what is at the heart of phenomenology? Consciousness. What is at the cutting edge of our understanding of Quantum Physics? Consciousness. So what is consciousness? So what.
What is?
Is it shrouded by darkness in any way?
No, for YOU are the bringer of light. All the world is a stage and YOU are THE STAR.
And the next stage is even better!
p.s. Am I the only one who always thought George Bush's one redeeming feature was attending Pagan ceremonies in the woods?