Saturday, July 31, 2010


What could me more different than Quantum Mechanics and The Upanishads - not!

The conflict of ideas cannot be ended by the victory of science over the mystic, the line taken by Richard Dawkins - to me he appears to be amongst the worst of the fundamentalists he attacks so vehemently.

The reality of 'that which is' is subtle enough to contain a plethora of apparently contradictory observations and manifestations, and only an idea that can reconcile and contain these apparent contradictions can be an appropriate paradigm for the new era.

To me the idea of a 'Rationalist-Empiricist' is a contradiction in terms - one cannot rationally deduce with certainty the nature of something by observing part of it, and only a fool would claim that "that which has been Empirically observed" is the totality of everything. 

I am reminded of the story of three blind men - each of whom, when asked to identify an elephant, draws a different and ridiculous conclusion as to what he has observed -

'Belief' is an irrelevance - there are only MANY different observations, different subjective experiences, and ONE reality. All contradictions can be reconciled by this almost incontestable observation, I cannot see how this cannot ultimately lead to a synthesis of human knowledge, one that that allows for the diversity of differing expressions, while breeding a culture of tolerance and understanding where previously there was conflict.

"[Robert] Zoller sees the Aquarian Age as a Dark Age wherein religion will be seen as offensive"

I see the Age of Aquarius as an Age of Enlightenment, where everything will be illuminated, and dogmatic 'belief' will be seen as offensive.

My intention in posting this sort piece is to make it clear that I am not a religious zealot, but something more akin to a Humanist - but a Humanist whose subjective experiences could only be explained if the Buddhist notion of everything and everyone being interconnected had its basis in a scientific reality that was yet to be understood. 

It is now understood, but it has yet to be proved - I think it is worth investing millions in a giant underground particle accelerator, it is worth it if there is even only the smallest of chances that such an endeavour could prove that EVERYBODY was right all along.

In science consciousness is emerging as central to the understanding of Quantum Mechanics, the position it has long held in Eastern mysticism and Western esoteric circles - this is reflected in Philosophy in the movement called 'Phenomenology', which has largely superseded the Post-structuralist model.

I do not 'believe' anything, but whether or not the much talked about shift in human consciousness actually occurs in 2012 - I am in a position to reveal the exact nature of this prophesy, in terms that I think everyone can understand (unlike the previous paragraph!) ...

In some versions of the story of the blind men and the elephant the men are not blind, but instead the elephant is in a darkened room. Your scientists are like the blind men, feeling around in the dark and making reasonable hypothesis to explain their various subjective observations - on 21.12.2012 I AM going to turn the lights on!

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is - infinite”. William Blake 

Previous experience suggests to me that it is necessary to explain that the previous claim is not an egocentric statement - 'I AM' is the name of the Old Testament G-d who revealed the Ten Commandments to Moses, it is the literal translation of YHWH (Jehovah) - this is always what I am referring to when I capitalise the words 'I AM'. 

Then - why the suggestion that I, myself, am a manifestation of this meta-being? This is also intentional - from my perspective we are ALL different facets of a single immanent (all-pervading, omnipresent) consciousness - this is what I mean when I say "we're all Jesus, baby!" and what William Blake means when he says...

"God only ACTS and IS in existing beings of men"

and what Leonard Cohen means when he says...

"Jesus was a sailor when he walked upon the water...
& when he knew for certain only drowning men could see him, he said
'All men will be sailors, then, until the sea shall free them' "

This is at the heart of that which will be revealed when the lights are turned on. 


The flood it is gathering
Soon it will move
Across every shoreline
Against every roof
The body will drown
And the soul will shake loose
I write all this down
But I don’t have the proof

Leonard Cohen


illus., The Jester, 1990

Sunday, July 18, 2010


whether we realise it or not 
we all have our own favourite words

special words & sacred words reserved
for sacred, special and favourite
moments & occasions

today my favourite words are

these words are strictly reserved for

like today


Thursday, July 1, 2010


Heigh-ho, Shirley! Has his boat come in?

He was all lost at Sea. Now, we have the catch - & that should be enough

... yet I hear there is Buried Treasure in the net ...

“Really?” he says, “Buried Treasure?!? I thought it was a bomb!”