Now, Ally she gawt plenty
An’ Ally she gawt none,
For Ol’ Jack’s en-ner-tainment
Sweltrin’ in the sun.
Now formless, sometimes frozen
Patterns in the sand,
Guides dat sometimes lazy god
To raise his ol’ right hand.
Now, if I knows somefin’,
Don’ let his left hand know,
His right hand may have made a fist
But never struck a blow.
Don’ summon up yer demons,
Don’ take ‘em on alone,
Don’t push yerself too far dis time
You might not make it home,
You might not make it mmm mmm,
You might not make it
Don’ play dice with devils,
Don’ look away too lohng,
Don’ go dealin’ with devils, Dave,
Coz devil dealin’s wrong,
My devil dealin’s done mmm mmm,
My devil dealin’s done,
My devil dealin’s done
the jesTer, 2008
(clip the jesTer feat. Geoff, live at ph7radio.com)
All my life I have had a building sensation of a message that I must impart - I suppose this is some kind of madness - and, while I kept it well hid, it grew more taut inside - and as this great all-consuming snake unfurled it damn near tore me apart.
If I was to simply accept at face-value the message that I had the subjective experience that it was my responsibility to impart?
And If I was to impart it? Here and now?
Then you would understand quite clearly why so many greater men than I - Men like William Blake, Friedrich Nietschze - have hedged around it, merely made suggestions and allusions, asked you to ask these questions for yourself, where other lesser thinkers have been so keen to didactically assert their absolute rightness in respectable ways and thus advance themselves more thoroughly in the petty world of men.
These men brought just a taste of that which I speak - and the shock was so great that the ripples of their merest allusions to that which I had the subjective of experience of knowing 'will-be-true-in-the-future' and 'was-true-in -the-past', resulted in the greatest focal point of suffering in the story of Man.
And, indeed, His Story has seen much suffering, much suffering. Without suffering there would be no story, and each Man is nothing but His Story, and all men are History! Hahahahahahaha!
Everything that you know is the manifestation of a timeless parable designed to inform and prepare you for the next stage of your collective development. The myths and legends that you tell to explain the world? You ARE the myths and legends that the world uses to explain YOU. I do not expect you to understand this now. The dangerous dynamite of past and future truths is far simpler to explain!
And If I was to impart it? If I was to impart it here and now?
Right here? Right now? You wish me to impart, in no uncertain terms, that which Blake, Nietschze, Crowley, all had the subjective experience of feeling responsible for saying, whether or not they liked it?
'The fact of the matter was that I resented The Book of the Law with my whole soul.. I was bitterly opposed to the principles of the Book on almost every point of morality. The third chapter seemed to me gratuitously atrocious.'
Aleister Crowley
You think that he was joking? Of course I was, I am The Jester! And THIS is the universal joke.
And If I was to impart it? If I was to impart it here and now? And not protect you from it that much, except to say before that it is just a joke? It is a joke.
It is this:
You are Spirit. You are immortal. You are free.
What if I was a man who had had the subjective experience that it was their personal responsibility to communicate this message to other men? Well, I AM.
And what if there had been such a man two millenia ago? How would I set an example for other men, what timeless parable would I cast upon the looms of time to tell this tale? How would I tell this tall, tall story: You are a spirit! Your body is a shell!
To show that I was not attached to my body? I would cast off my body gracefully, I would be the willling martyr, I would sacrifice myself so that others would be free.
And if I wanted to utterly corrupt this message? And plant within it the seeds of its opposite? then, first, I would say: 'this man said he was The Son of GOD'.
Well, of course thats what I would have said, WE are all The Children of GOD, WE are The Brotherhood of Man.
But if I wanted to pervert this message and enslave you with it? Then I would say 'this was not a man, he was The Son of GOD - he said so himself.'
And if these blasphempous words were cast in stone at some unholy Roman table - all at once my sacrifice would have been in vain. Why? Can you not see? The story weaved so tightly, 'pon these looms of time, would not be of a man who set an example by not attaching value to his body - you would have made me of some other substance entirely!
I died so that you may LIVE. Here! Now! Free, on Earth! Free! Not enslaved by Romans, you fools!
There was never any question of your spirit living on, if it was of any substance. And if it was of no substance? Then, for you, the greatest destination of all - becoming one without attachments with the spirit of the whole, the whole spirit, the holy spirit, the being at the beginning and the end of time, The ABSOLUTE Unchanging Timeless State of One.
I died so that you may live. LIVE. Here. Now. Free, on Earth. This is what you should be doing!
But they told you that you were bad! Oh! That you were born bad, baby! Oh, each of you such terrible, evil babies, not at all born like Jesus, so perfect and so immaculate in conception, not like man at all. This they told you! This they told you. They broke your spirit! They broke your spirit.
They invented the Devil - and they made HIM in each man! Each man, so nearly saved early! Oh, you are so wrong to want, whats normal and whats natural!
The Jews, The Jews who made this man - The Jews, what of them? Of course they did not buy it for minute! But they were already broken by a world of men that had alrready treated them so unfairly and unkindly that they bore upon their shoulders a millenia of grudges - not surprising, really, then, that they set themselves up above other men! Counter-productive, really, though, to say my God's the ONE, I'm saved, NOT you - particulary when you are the stranger, not quite home, always in danger. But oh! The mighty noble spirit of a people who would not be further broken by any might, the greatest single pacifist resistance cast throughout time in the holy name against the tyranny of false idols. But oh! So sad, that only the greatest grudges and the most repulsive stains of time should be the very cord that binds such mighty spirits and their minds.
And heres a part that you REALLY won't like, being of this time! Oh, Being-of-This-Time, you will NOT like this FUNNY joke -
Two millenia ago, if I were this kind of man, to show that I was not attached to my body - I would cast off my body gracefully, I would be the willling martyr, I would sacrifice myself so that others would be free. And if I had the knowledge of foresight? That my sacrifice would be used to further enslave Mankind for two further millenia more? All stories? They are just stories. They can be told any way dishonest men please - the only way to ensure the perpetuation of my dream is for other men to take my example and be as human sacrifices, as and when, at least once a year! Hahahahahahaha!
You are Spirit. You are immortal. You are free.
The body will not be sacred, the spirit will be sacred. The body will be the spirit's toy, it's tool, a mechanism to be enjoyed, exalted and indulged, then cast aside.
There will be no shame in suicide, euthanasia - the minimisation of the suffering endured by the spirit will be of prime importance. We will act with Love, love of the spirit before the love of the spirit's creations, of it's SELF above it's dreams it casts across this void you deem 'The World'.
Yes, of course, I am joking, I do not believe in a return to human sacrifice or a culture in which we show no respect for the human body on the grounds that we are fundamentally spirit. I only ask for you to consider the implications if were so that:
You are Spirit. You are immortal. You are free.
Ha! ha