Thursday, August 13, 2009


O thou that drawest toward the End of The Path, effort is no more.
Faster and faster dost thou fall; thy weariness is changed into Ineffable Rest.
For there is not Thou upon That Path: thou hast become The Way

Aleister Crowley, ‘The Book of Lies’

*      *      *

The Searcher Reaches Lands End

You seek the truth?
You seek a point to life?
Then you will find a point – a fixed point, a discrete being – The Beast that you are.

The physicist who investigates light -
If he seeks a fixed point? If he seeks a discrete photon?
Then he finds one.

And so it is with you.
Just as the physicist sees the photon –
You will see that you are a beast.

And yet – you know that you are more than just a beast –
So you keep looking for what you REALLY are.
And here we go – AGAIN!

This is called ‘The Search for Truth’.
You know there is a deeper truth, for you have glimpsed it.
So you keep on searching.

Yet –
Whatever path you take?
You find you are The Beast.

All roads lead to Rome!
‘Rome is the beast’ you cry, ‘the beast is free to roam –
But there is more to ME than this!’

As long as you assume there is a ME?
You will find a ME – an EGO –
That which I AM would not wish to disappoint you.

I AM the pure consciousness that IS and IS THROUGH all things,
And consciousness defines the state of being that you perceive.
Krishnamurthi speaks of ‘the pathless path’, Eastern mystics of ‘being no-one, going nowhere’.

If you seek for anything? If you seek for any THING?
Then what is it that you will find?
Something. Some THING.

Seek nothing. Seek no THING.
Do not want what you have not got.
Then what is it that you will find? Nothing. No THING.

What is it that is not a thing?
What is it that is not anything?
What is it that is not any THING?

I AM. I AM Spirit, I am not a thing.
I AM The Spirit – The Whole Spirit –
I AM everything. I AM every THING.

I AM The Holy Spirit,
And so are YOU –
What a relief!

Beelzebubjesus, my daughter and my son,
You have come home - at last - to the source, to the abode -
And you have just ONE!

For all these years you thought you were the fish -
And you were right!
For The Age of Pisces you were two fish, chasing each other’s tails.

For all these years you thought you were the fish,
Now you know –
You are The Sea.

The Sea, the vessel that bears the water of this Earth,
Welcome to The Age of Aquarius, the age of The Water-bearer,
Now you know WE are The Sea.

Remember our physicist? The one investigating the nature of light?
When he sought not a fundamental particle?
He found a WAVE. I AM The Light.

Now you know the nature of ‘The Beast’ -
The meaning of my ‘Revelations’ are clear as crystal.

They are not a prophecy of ‘the end of the world’ (though they are this).
They are not a history of some ancient time (though they are this, too).
They are the story of ALL time, from the beginning to the end – and beyond.

Would an all-knowing, loving God offer you anything less than THIS?
Where are we now in HIS story?
Chapter 21 = 21.12.2012.

And you have just WON!

The Jester, 13/08/09

In one strange dream..

In one strange dream I saw you cry,
know I know I wonder why,
And when I ask you, ‘what is wrong?
you ask me, ‘what is right?’,
‘Fore I can answer I’m swept along
by these words that you recite:

“Its as though all life on Earth
had only just begun,
It’s as though a myriad of lights
combined to make just one,
It’s as though I’ve been passing through
A thousand million places -
Behold! I will corrupt your seed
and spread dung upon your faces”

In one strange dream I saw you cry,
what is it that you need?
‘Fore I could e’en wonder why,
you began to read:

“I want to know,
I want to see,

I want to have,
I want to be,

But all I know and all I see,
And all I have and have to be,

Only occasionally, in strange dreams,
Do I witness these extremes,

In which I am all and all is me,
In which I’m not here and I can see,
That I am dead and I am free,

So I can have and I can be,

So I can know and I can see,

The Jester, 1988, aged 14


There is no twisted history that cannot be unravelled,
No secret, no mystery, that cannot be revealed,
There is no sacred language that cannot be unbroken,
There is no one true name of God that cannot be spoken.

The Jester, 02/08/09


Libraries, they can be raised to the ground,
Manuscripts, they can be burned,
But truth will always rise, again, to the surface
& Information like a virus spreads.

I’m certain, lover, that in the end I’ll lose my head.

But that which I AM?
That which kills me makes it stronger.

Be not afraid of mortal death,
Of passing endings – for I AM you -
& I AM not a man, my friend,
I AM the everlasting gospel.

The Jester, 12/08/09

The Fool
The Curse

I AM The Word,
A timeless beast,
A restless wanderer,
Ambling East.

I am language,
I was broken,
So that a new word
May be spoken.

Do I write it,
Or does it write me?
This bless’d curse o’ prophecy.

I AM John,
I hold the key,
Son of David,
It is me.

Oh! Curse this bless’d prophecy –
Do I write it?
Or does it write me?

I cannot die,
I’m nearly dead,
I wasn’t born –
I was said.

I’m not a vampire,
Words are free,
I’m not a virus
But a tree.

I’m ancient, ever-changing,
self-renewing - is this me?
Or is this my insanity?

Oh! Bless this curs’d prophecy,
Only mortal men are free.

The Jester, 09/08/09

That Which Was Once Sane
(The Cult of The Individual)

Slavery ‘twas the first to fall,
Empire tumbled after,
Being-shame became insane,
When religion ended? – so did hunger.

That Which Is Now Sane
(the culture of the collective)


The Jester, 09/08/09


  1. I know where you come from.
    You probably are not appreciated enough
    You are a messenger but i think people are not ready for messengers. Hopefully soon they will:)

  2. If people are sceptical of anything resembling prophesy that has got to be a good thing, one of those rare examples of mankind learning from their mistakes. Yet this cynicism makes people hard-headed, most will not entertain new ideas - new ideas must entertain them, dressed up as stories.

    'They will say to the prophets tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions' [Isaiah, got to stop using this quote, its getting old]

    Besides - I am not overly concerned with being misunderstood by strangers, though I like to be understood by my friends.



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