Friday, February 19, 2010

Yes, we encourage each other in our binge drinking - this worries me.

And our lack of physical intimacy frustrates me


"Psst.. wakey, wakey.. Yorky.. Yorkster!.. its time to wake up and smell! Rise and shine! Hmm... I'll try the bell [DING! DONG! DELL!] Did I see you stir, Sir? Sir? Apparently not. I'm sorry, Dukey, but If you don't wake up you know what I'm going to have to do..yes..thats right.. I'm going to have to tickle your little toesy woesys with my iggly wiggly fingers! Here goes..3..2..1...[TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE] No response! Impossible! That always works back in the castle.. but then he never wears those heavy metal boot things in bed. You know, I'll never understand the appeal of metal clothes [thinks - its no use, I'll have to hit him on the head with a more careful this time, don' want to fracture his skull again.. I'm sure he'd have had me beheaded the last time, but due to an incredibly unlikely and fortuitous coincidence he lost his memory at exactly the same time, didn't know who I was, or who he was for..well.. to be absolutely straight down the line he still doesn't know who he is, but his mum has sewed his name, address (and erect penis size) into all his clothes, so he can always find out. Here comes Mr Sledgehammer.. just a gentle tap should do it [KERRRACCCKKK!AAAAAAAGGHHHHH] Ah, you're awake! Sorry to disturb your sleep, that, Sir? How unusual. No I have never dreamed of no, Sir......yes. Sir, of course it is your decision entirely, and I would never undrermine your authority, but I would strongly advise that you resume your siesta after you have dealt witht he issue at hand. You see, Sir, there are ten thousand burly young recruits all awaiting your command. Yes, Sir, they have already completed their first assignment. Yes,it was a stunning performance - they marched all the way to the very, very top of the hill. Phase two? That was also a resounding success, they marched right back down again to the very bottom of the hill, indeed Phase two was completed i Whats that, Sir? When they were.. wha? Sorry, sir, O dp beg your pardon. Sir? O, yes, sir, yes! Your scientific specualtion wsa 100% right - when they were only half way up they were neither up nor down!

Will, we 'ave bin stuck in here, a fuckin' sweltrin' can fer two full days, Will, can you tell me how much more"
"Don't be silly, its just four.

I know stakeouts take time, but you said this one would be brief.
not a single sign of Wanda Woman

Most people call her Wanda. Yeah, thats right, Wanda Ward.

What do you know of Wanda Ward? Anythin' we should know?

Tell us everything you know about this woman Wanda Ward?

"Willy? Why are we stakin' out that woman - what's she called?"
Most people call her Wanda. "Yeah, thats right - Wanda Ward."

Is there anything we should know?
Welcome, PC Pinter"

I ain't seen that face - what a pretty face! - since nineteen seventy one.
Wanda Ward? Yes, Wanda Ward - that was her name

 - a face that
She spoke a strange and sibillant, secret code - that no-one understands

What went wrong at the weekend?

Sorry, Son, yer Brother's gone, on death row one day too long,

Gently, gently, she lowered her lids - her lashes were glued on,

Sorry, Pop, the Sister's are here, they don't know how to read
Has never learnt a single thing

What does it matter anyway
Something happened, I'm certain Sarah turned that day,  

It happened at the weekend?

turned twistede tangled dna
While whistling'n'whisprin' Satan's secret sacred songs -
so soft, silent and loud
It was a witches whisper, no need to hear to understand,

hen that tenor trombone trembles

From the surface it seemed sensible
 sense is shrouded
saxophone alone knows precisely what's been said
Tenor Trombone
This secret summons

should we truly, simply twist those riffs 'til they mingle, to a single twisted tryst, tied tightly to the timpaniin the music. These moments as yet elusive sometimes elusive, yet each jewel is so rare and most very precious, for the future is refracted in these fragile, fleeting crystals can we glimpse with certainty our capacity to free the bottled spirit from its old familiar cage.

Given room to stretch and finely flex our wet wings dry unfurled and fly we found majestic angels abroad, & made them manifest outside in sound, & there experienced we a  in a timeless sacred dance. The more comfortable we become with each other the more we relax, and the more we relax and delight in each other’s the more our inner rhythms become attuned - until nothing is left but the dance.

There is no you, or I, or us - only the dance remains

I would be extremely proud to call you my girl and to be your man - at least until the day we die or spilt up. If you will have me

Sorry if hearing Me and Manuela, was beginning to feel everybody thought me a fool for letting someone so clearly broken-down by the worldweight waltz right into my open hearthouse - but the songs give a purpose to the suffering and the pain, a beautiful song about a broken heart makes a broken heart perfectly beautiful, and something perfected cannot be broken. It is only through the sacrament of reflecting life in art that we can raise up our suffering as a gift and receive its weight in joy

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