Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Last year I posted the following sacred geometrical diagrams (and a brief cryptic clue as to their interpretation) to Facebook , by way of an esoteric riddle. 

The single respondent made some very informed and elegantly phrased observations, with which I concur entirely. 

I further expanded upon these themes in response, illustrating these points with quotes from The Dao De Ching and the writings of William Blake and Aleister Crowley, partly for context, but mainly because they are not my ideas - they are as old as time.

I have copied this conversation in its entirety below - if you should stumble upon this page I hope you might find  some of what is said thought provoking. Of course - it is not intended to be taken as gospel, for it is but words and pictures, a shadow play, it is not what it describes, though it is of it.

The Cherubim of Ezekiel before & after the Reversal. The Seal is broken & that which is unseen becomes seen. The Seal of David & Solomon is the seal of a broken heart, 2 trinities suspended in opposition. When these 2 trinities unite, in the universal hexagram, they are now the same, they are One - the Seal of the Federation.

Before the Reversal? What was unseen?

After the reversal? Where is he who endures until the end?


Please comment, I am very interested to know how much of this is understood. This information is concerning the transition to a higher illusion.

November 22, 2010 ·  · 
  • Dana Ba Nana and Rodrigo Mendoza like this.
    • Intergalactic Research Institute 
      The Universe is without hierarchy, or system, no ranks or levels; no united councli overlooking everything..there is no time, nor is there space, any 'Starfleet Command' is just a projection of human hopes and is pure fantasy and limitation.

      It's funny to see the seal of the 'starfleet command'; it's an adaptation of the Star Trek badge.

      There is no hierarchical structure to the Universe, to Consciousness; it just IS. There is no highly humanized 'divine master' overlooking it.

      Any system can be projected upon the vast potential that is the single consciousness which IS the Universe.

      By associating ourselves with the 'highest' self-awareness, we will understand that there is but a single 'beingness', in a timeless eternity of self-reflection. Inside all of us, this consciousness is everything we are. All we are. The Universe is One. We are that 'highest' Self.

      The illusion, the dream, is a self-perpetuating attempt to un-know the fact that this being, this consciousness, this YOU, this ME, is alone, eternally, fully aware of it's loneliness. That is oneness.
      The transistion is happening at any possible moment; there is only the NOW. And it is YOU. Alone, unbroken, ALL-ONE.

      The trick is acceptance of Self, Love of the Self.

      Let's face it, you, me, we are all trying to forget that we are this single being. Ascension, transcendence, is merely accepting this and Loving it, as it is inescapable.

      Dervish Mad Whirler. (A projection of your fragmented reflection of Self)
      November 24, 2010 at 11:46am ·  ·  1 person
    • Intergalactic Research Institute 
      ‎... but within this vastness of ONE eternal consciousness, there is time and space, there are hierarchies and structures... It's not just chaos (there is a hierarchy in the way the humans live on Earth, internet is a structure, so is the solar system, the flower of life ~ sacred geometry is a beautiful form of structure, I recently heard of hierarchies of infinities, etc etc...). We are experiencing these in these dimensions, even if only in our consciousness... Fantasy isn't limitation, it's a creative life-force...
      I like the starfleet badge, though I don't really understand the rest... please explain a bit more.

      In Lak'ech ♥ Dana Banana
      December 10, 2010 at 10:53am · 
    • Josh Steed We are the many manifestations of the One - we are its projection and its highest expression.

      "God becomes as we are, that we may be as he is" [William Blake].

      "The Many is as adorable to the One as the One is to the Many" [Aleister Crowley].

      The bottom diagram shows the Seal of Solomon, the upwards pointing triangle representing what man sees, the world in which he is the arrogant king, the individual, while in the upper diagram everything is illuminated.

      The downwards pointing triangle of the Seal of Solomon represents that which is unseen, that which is hidden from man, that which we most fear - yet that which we most fear is love.

      The Seal is two triangles pointing in opposite directions - Leonard Cohen fantasises about "the order of the unified heart" and draws the seal as two interlocking hearts, in this way we make our dreams self-fulfilling prophesies.

      The diagram to the top right I designed to represent an alternative to the divided seal - a six pointed star, but drawn with one rather than two lines, uniting seen and unseen worlds, a symbol of the return to 'Eden', as it was before the knowledge of good and as it will be beyond good and evil.

      Sadly for my pathetic ego I discovered that I was not the first to employ this geometric metaphorical solution to that which divides men - it had already been anti-christened "The Universal Hexagram" by Aleister Crowley before I was even born.
      22 minutes ago · 
    • Josh Steed As for the reality or otherwise of "Starfleet Command"? - some say that all is illusion, that we are but thoughts of the One, merely ripples upon the surface of the ocean.

      I say "that which is before good and evil is beyond truth and fiction" - we are but ripples upon the surface of the great thought, and our fantasies are but ripples upon those ripples. Can those who are merely projections judge whether that which they project themselves is entirely fantastic or reflects (in a metaphorical way that they can understand) a deeper reality?

      Beneath the different names and metaphorical constructs there is a remarkable level of consistency to the collective dream as expressed through our fantasies. It is to be expected that we should not agree on the names we use to describe "that which is beyond names".

      Let us reflect a moment upon the opening chapters of the Dao De Ching -

      "The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao.
      The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
      The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth.
      The named is the mother of myriad things.
      Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence. Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations.
      These two emerge together but differ in name.
      The unity is said to be the mystery.
       Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders.
      When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness arises.
      When it knows good as good, evil arises.
      Thus being and non-being produce each other".

      I will leave you with a quote by William Blake, written 100 years before the first English translation of the Dao De Ching, echoing the ancient sentiments above regarding the observation of "essence" and "manifestation" (phenomena/noumena) -

      “He who sees the infinite in all things, sees God. He who sees the ratio only, sees himself only.” x
      a few seconds ago · 

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