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Kevin & The End of Time / The Jigsaw - an anthology |
Final Message From an Old Dog To The World
I love, I love you, with the lump on my nose,
With my bloodshot eyes, & my bum;
I love, I love you, with the bald spot on my tail,
With my drool, & smell of dog,
& black, black gums
Kisses For Butterfly
I sent My Butterfly Five Kisses, to say that I had become a man,
Then I sent her Six, to say that I had bin’ talkin' with The Devil,
Then I sent her Seven to say that the bright white light of The Lord is mirror-like,
I had realised my Absolute unity with the Will of The Absolute Consciousness
And it wants me to write a book I can never finish
For a reason I cannot understand.
x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
I’m man essence, man’s semen,
Ice in semen, nascence.
Messiaen! Manic nemeses’ manes!
Mice, Men: same, since men’s nemesis came.
Nice mess,
NB: The poem above is composed of 9 anagrams of the word ‘Immanessence’. The changes in the colour of the text indicate the beginning of one permutation of these 12 letters & the beginning of the next.
The word 'Immanessence' is a compound word, derived from the words 'immanent' (meaning omni-present/all-pervading) & 'essence' (the inherent, immutable nature of a thing). Thus, the definition of 'Immanessence' is: "the essential, unchanging nature of 'that which pervades everything' ".
Suddenly they were alone
Suddenly, they were
alone, & everything fell silent.
Then - with her eyes - she said,
"Forget what you know -
Everyone is beautiful.
The more beautiful you feel,
The more beautiful you are.
Forget the past and future.
Find beauty in the quiet space between breaths.
Feel the harmonies & rhythms of nature flow through you.
Feel the harmonies & rhythms of nature flow between you.
Music is sex."
Then - with his body - he said,
"Forget what you know,
G-d is all of everything;
To deny the existence of G-d
Is to deny that anything exists.
Everything is matter,
Everything is spirit;
There is only one substance,
Vibrating at different frequencies.
Forget the past & future.
Find truth in the quiet space between breaths.
Feel the harmonies & rhythms of the stars flow through
Feel the harmonies & rhythms of the stars flow between
Sex is music."
Then she made a tiny
sound, that welled up from deep within,
& he let out a
& together they
stopped time.
I am a Christian.
I am a Jew.
I am a Muslim.
I am a Buddhist.
I am a Hindu.
I am a Taoist.
I am a Pagan.
Hydra! - dear dragon! - do stop rolling your snakes’ eyes, & watch your seven tongues -
You’ve been chasing your tail since the day we begun!
It is time to stop fighting your SELF, & remember - you are
A spell to end war, 2008
I'm The Fixer, The Trickster, The Turner of Corners;
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Alternate title/cover, 2008 |
The Fixer
Little Miss Muffet, & Little Jack Horner;
I’m Gabriel, The Messenger; & Asrael, The Guide,
Who escorts you, oh!, so gently, into The White Light;
I’m Plato - The Potato! & I'm Socrates - The Sock!
We’re all Jesus, Baby! The Second Conscious Shock.
We’re all Baby Jesus! The Conscious Second Shock.
We’re all Jesus, Baby! The Second Conscious Shock.
I’m a Lighthouse, a beacon; The Seeker, The Seeking;
The Learner, The Learning; The Teacher, The Teaching;
I’m The Wizard of Oz, I'm The Yellow Brick Road,
I'm The Hitch-hiker’s Guide, I’m The High-way Code,
I’m The A-to-Z, I'm The Beginning & The End,
I’m The Alpha & The Omega. Your Nemesis. Your friend.
I’m not a necromancer, I'm not looking for slaves -
‘You seek followers? You seek ciphers.’. Everyone is saved.
Mr. K. mislaid his purpose, he forgot his one true name -
That was the day he lost you, & the day he lost The Game.
BUT! If he can decipher this extra verse that's added on?
Then he understands Magick - & he has just ONE! -
"Living is the answer, to untangle the code,
Rhythm is The Master, who comes from ages old,
Living is The Master, who casts his loom alive,
Who sends his message to you, ’cross the spider’s loom of time."
Through The Looking Glass
| Unconscious
Unconscious | Conscious Unconscious | Unconscious Conscious | Conscious. Become ONE! Consciousness. |
| Unconsciousness
Unconsciousness | Consciousness Unconsciousness | Unconsciousness Consciousness | Consciousness. Become ONE ! Conscience. |
| Nothing
Nothing | Everything Everything | Everything Nothing | Nothing. Become ONE ! The Absolute. |
| Unseen
Unseen | Seen Unseen | Unseen Seen | Seen. Become ONE ! Vision. |
| Collective
Collective | Individual
| Individual
Collective | Collective. Become ONE ! One. |
| Many
Many | Two Many | Many Two | Two. Become ONE ! One. |
| Nothingness
Nothingness | Being Nothingness | Nothingness Being | Being. Become ONE ! The Absolute. |
| Esoteric
Esoteric | Exoteric Esoteric | Esoteric Exoteric | Exoteric. Become ONE ! Reality. |
| Secrets
| Truth
Secrets | Secrets Truth | Truth. Become ONE ! Truth. |
| Many
Many | One Many | Many One | One. Become ONE ! One. |
| Mad
Mad | Sane Mad | Mad Sane | Sane. Become ONE ! Sanity. |
| Inside
Inside | Outside Inside | Inside Outside | Outside. Become ONE ! Reality. |
Sane | Enlightened
Enlightened | Sane Enlightened | Enlightened Sane | Sane. Become ONE. |
NB: This is a spell to turn lead into gold. This spell is part of a multipack, & is not be sold separately ©2008
Through The Looking Glass:
The obvious [& not-very-secret] secret 14th verse
Consciousness, conscience: the absolute vision!
One! One!: the Absolute reality!
Truth: One! Sanity: Reality.
Become ONE!
Through The Looking Glass:
The subtler [& slightly-more-secret-secret] 15th
A Ka | A Ba
A Ka | A Ka
A Ba | A Ba
Become ONE!
NB: This is s spell to become one with your self. This spell is part of a multipack, & is not to be sold at all, ©2008
I looked into the clear blue sky
I looked into the clear,
blue sky,
I gazed into the ice-white
I looked into every
corner that I could gather,
I archived ev'ry thought & stage & dream -
I AM The Great Librarian
in The Sky.
For The Sinners & Their Lovers
THIS is the wise, wild, well-oiled oats,
what I turns upon this spinner -
THIS goin' be the break of day,
THIS goin’ be the dawn of time,
THIS goin’ be the sunshine
For the sinners & their lovers.
All THIS, for THAT crystal-clawed cactus,
THAT Jewel-allied actress - Ally Kraw.
It was dark in the desert,
It was dark ‘n’col’, an’ she shivered,
An’ she shivered more;
For water from her pores
Was in her clothes from the heat before.
Her fingernails, all painted white,
Jus’ like an’ angel jus’ got outta gaol,
Rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat on her steering wheel,
y’all -
An’ whats more like an angel than that actress-whore,
Rat-a-tat-tat on her steering wheel, y’all ...
... In the parkin’ lot ...
... of the motel ...
... in the desert ...
... in the dark.
THIS goin’ be the break of day,
THIS goin’ be the dawn of time,
THIS goin’ be the sunshine
For the sinners & their lovers.
Devil Dealin’s Done
Now formless - sometimes frozen - patterns in the sand
guides that sometimes lazy
God to raise his ol’ right
Now - If I knows somefin’ - don’ let his left hand
know -
His right hand might have
made a fist, but never struck a blow.
Don’ play dice with
demons, doll, don' listen to this song,
Don’ go dealin’ with
devils, Dave, 'coz devil dealin’s wrong - mmm-mmm -
My devil dealin’s done - mmm-mmm -
My devil dealin’s done - mmm-mmm -
My devil
dealin’s done.
Let me tell you something, Mr.K.,
First you will think that I am the Devil.
Then you will think that I am God.
Then you will think that I am You.
Then you will think that you are God & The Devil.
Your girlfriend will think that I am the Devil,
She will think that you are possessed by a devil
& she will leave you.
Mr. K, you are an Angel, yes,
But they will certainly think you are a Devil,
And they may try to put you away -
I know you are not looking forward to this.
If they are wise they will let you stay free,
And only in this novel will you do time in jail or the secure unit,
And you will be a martyr
Only in this novel.

THE BOMB - Alternate cover/title

The Ketamine Blues
I spent the Incapacity on ketamine,
it’s true,
& I spent your Dad’s
money on ketamine too,
& the money I made,
selling ketamine to you -
I spent it on ketamine – I gots
the ketamine blues
ain’t dat easy,
when yo’ gettin’ high,
addiction ain’t no problem
yo’ got a good supply.
A talkin’s
A buzzin’
jus’ like flies -
no-one ne’er said nuffin’
would lie.
I got dem darn ol’
keta-meanie blues,
A'rampagin’ around muh ol’
round-square brains,
I’ve gots dem bless-ed
keta-meanie blues,
Canin’ a crooked k-line for
Baby Strange
ain’t dat simple,
fall an’ crack yo head,
you don’ need to co-ord’nate –
spend your life in bed !
got just one drawback –
it drives you insane
Or - it’s what gets in you, inbetween,
you’re on The Astral Plane ,,,
I’ve cried those cuss-ed
keta-meanie cries,
Bin’ cookin’ up K mixed with
my tears,
I told dem darn ol’
keta-meanie lies,
You said you could read them
in my beard
The Celebrated Mr K.
I’m The Prisoner, you are Number 1, THE ONE that got away,
I’m The Princess, in the tower – don’t know what it is I
done –
This Porridge is neither hot nor cold. Be seeing you. Josef K.
I’ll tell you something, you’ll end up taking more
and more. And more. Why? Because its like it’s trying to tell you something.
But every time you work out what it is? You come out of it and its gone – like
you’re shooting holes in the veil of illusion – but they close up quick as you
can make ‘em. Eventually a few of the holes stick. And now? You can’t hear it,
not exactly, ‘cause it’s your own voice, it’s you – but its saying to you, or
you can feel it,
“I got something to tell you, I GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!”
You gotta know what its gonna say, you gotta know!
So you end up taking more and MORE – ‘til finally the sheet is all shot through
with holes and it falls away – and you didn’t meditate yourself here, you’ve
still got your old model of reality, you’ve still got your EGO, yer BAGGAGE –
but it’s trying to co-exist with the sphere of universal archetypal characters
and narratives buried deep in your unconscious. At this point you’ve
effectively got a split personality – there’s you, like a tiny baby, in the
face of this ancient, cosmic other, a singularity expressing itself through the
myriad masks of a shifting panopoly of subselves – and this other is asking you
this riddle,
“Who am I? Can you guess who I am? Who do you think
I AM?’.
For a while this ancient, universal part of you
might be stronger than you are, you’re possessed by it – you’re still there,
but some OTHER is calling all the shots – until you work out the answer – “I AM
YOU”. Now, you might not be who you were before, not exactly, though that’s in
the mix, but there’s AN OTHER veil, another riddle, yet it is the same riddle –
“WHO AM I?”. You keep on shooting holes, more and more holes, ‘til this veil,
too, it falls away – you’ve solved the riddle.
Now I understand! What a relief’ you think, ‘now I
can stop putting this fucking white stuff up my nose, now I can stop speaking
like an old bluesman, now I can start rebuilding my tiny life, my tiny life
that The Celebrated Mr K so casually tossed away, this great small life, this
life that once seemed like a river – so long, at least as long and as wide as
it is, but with a beginning and an end – that now seems life a drop of rain,
with infinity within – a single snowdrop that has found the ocean.’
‘There is no God where I AM’
There are seeds in the water
That seethe in the water
It breathes in the water
It breeds
There are eyes in the water
That arise in the water
It lies in the water
It sees
There are seeds in the water
That seethe in the water
It breathes in the water
It feeds
There are eyes in the water
That arise in the water
It lies in the water
It’s Me
Official Jester mental health warning: This is a very bad spell. If chanted while cooking up Ketamine in a frying pan and gazing into the bubbling ‘eyes in the water’ you are guaranteed to summon something - probably something pretty scary and/or downright evil. If you still think this is a good idea – take it from me, it isn’t. I wouldn’t read it out aloud at all, if I were you. I wouldn’t even read it in my head from beginning to end - but it’s too late for you to worry about that now. Hahahahahahaha! 2008
Well, I’m not gay,
but I’m a-suck-suck-suckin’ on
dis trannies cock-stub
like it was a hive of lemons at
the dawn of time, babies -
‘cause the ketamine an’ the G,
they sez ‘hello!’
and I realise, all at once,
that I iz the beginnings & the
ends of everything, babies,
& that none of the rules apply
to me –
‘cause for one day only - I iz the
transmogrifier of dem jellied-eel-space-vitamins
for the one-handed, eagle-haloed
time-bandit some call G-d.
Sorry, mate, I’ve jus’ realized,
when your cock cries ‘gonna blow,
gonna blow!
Gonna blowblow blowBLOW BLOW!’ -
sorry, mate, I’m gettin’ outta
here first -
I’m just not gay enough, &
your purple spermatozoa might
like the back of my throat
like a baby loves it’s mama’s
milk -
I’d rather swallow razors
than drink your purplestinking
space-juice - babies!
Tell you what- jus’s gimme summa dem
darn fine jellied-eel-space-vitamins of love & death,
& ahm a-gonna go & find myself
a real woman - right now!
‘cause I been a-lookin’
a-deep-down-dark inside,
cause I bin a-lookin’
insides your honey eyes -
yet all I see is me, mate,
inside your funny eyes, mate,
and its all very nice, & that,
but I can do that alone at home -
The Long and Lonely Road of Song
No, not lost, love knows no fear,
The ink is wet but the map is clear
I belong along the long’n’lonely road, of song, My Dear,
I belong alone along the long’n’lonely road of song.
the gates of the end of times
We are too far gone, you will always be my other,
Without you I am absolutely alone.
I rides the gates of the end of times and a million possible
You are the mirror-like-one, spread soft, like kitten-silk,
Upon which screen I cast my dreams,
I will always be without you and within you,
Longin’, longin’, longin’ for loving kindness to return.
I’m Here, I’m Here
What fate befalls the calls I cannot hear?
You cast the very last, I fear, into thin air –
into the vast thin air
I’m here, I’m here, in
the vast thin air
When you grasped me in our lost, past time,
you thought you caught me passin’ by,
reflected in the grass and sky
I’m here, I’m here, in
the grass and sky
Don’ be afraid, you’ve found me, hear my heart,
the clouds reform in stones’n’storms’n’spoons’n’tears
I’m here, I’m here, in
the tears and stars
We are too far gone,
you will always be my other,
Without you I am absolutely alone
I rides the gates of the end of times and a million possible
You are the mirror-like-one, spread soft, like kitten-silk,
Upon which screen I cast my dreams,
I will always be without you and within you,
Longin’, longin’, longin’ for loving kindness to return
I’m here, I’m here,
with you, my dear
I LovE You So mUch My Insides HuRt!
You are The Question, & I AM The Answer,
You are The Thinker, & I AM The Dancer,
I AM The Future, & you are The Past -
Mine is the first language, &yours is the last.
You are The Hunter, & I am The Farmer,
I’m The World Healer & you’re The Self-harmer,
I’m Adam, The Beginning, & I’m Christ, The End,
& you are the bit in the middle, my friend.
And I love you so much
my insides hurt
And I love you so much
my insides hurt
You’re Eve, the first woman, you’re my evolution,
You’re The Riddler, The Riddle, & this is The Solution:
I’m The Joker, I’m laughing, for my time has come -
This party’s in your honour - I’m buildin’ a bomb!
You’re Batgirl, you’re beautiful, I love you, forgive me,
Forgive your SELF, forgive the victims, I need you with me.
You grow up to be Catwoman, so proud & so pretty,
OUR anti-matter LOVE-bomb WILL unexplode Gotham City!
I am Joseph, son of Jacob, who forgave his brothers
And I love you so much
my insides hurt
And I love you so much
my insides hurt
You thought the world was a game,
You thought the world was a competition.
All along you were racing for that stolen crock of gold,
In search of profits, gains and margins at The Rainbow’s
When The Rainbow’s prophets perform Alchemy with souls
You were always restlessly pursuing, or searching, for an
Or running or hiding from some ‘Devil’ (Your SELF! Your
You thought the world a game, a competition.
All along the world was actually a stage,
A stage in the process of the progress of the passage of
high creation –
And the next stage is even better!
You thought the world was a game, you thought the world was
a competition.
“When the doors of perception are cleansed you will perceive
all things as they truly are – infinite” [BLAKE]
You will see that, all along,
I was HIM as you were HIM as you were ME
And that we were always all TOGETHER.
You will see that, all along,
I was ALWAYS another you
And everything will be illuminated.
I AM The Prism at The Beginning of Time
AM The Prism at The Beginning of Time,
AM The Light that shines through it,
AM the raindrops at the beginning of the Rainbow,
AM the sunlight that shines through the rain.
AM The ONE, broke The Pure White Light’s Heart,
it shattered, love & will torn apart,
tribes scattered, seven splintered shards-
Devil dealt you seven low-scoring cards
I AM The Prism at The End of Time
the end of HIS story WE break out of the prison
& WILL will BECOME our ONE reason
be a spinning-top, I’ll be a plate-spinner, I’ll be a Dervish, a priest
Seven become One, the long wait is done, & all of your suffering shall
Prayer for A Supersized Southern Belle in The
NOW! Enjoy yo’self!
Yo’ reams o’ foamy baloney,
Yo’ more than ’nuff for any prevert what los’ his lid,
For anyone’s whats wanted mo’ an more, an’ forgot t’stop -
Yo’ the cookies’n’d’cream for d’cream’n’cookie kidz
Baby sure can talk the talk -
BUT BABY! Yo’ can barely walk
You cry ’cause you’re strong, ’cause you’re strong you cry,
You cry ’cause you’re strong, ’cause you’re strong you cry
I know you’re broken, baby, I know you’re broken,
I know you’re broken, baby, I know you’re broken
Got a fix, got a quick fix, baby,
It’s a sweet fix, like
Pritt-stick, baby
Got a fix, got a quick fix, baby,
It’s a cheap fix, like
Blu-tac, baby
Not the Superglu gonna
mend your soul,
Not the Superglu gonna
make you whole
You lie ’cause you're wrong, ’cause you're wrong you lie
I know you’re broken, baby, I know you’re broken,
I know you’re broken, baby, I know you’re broken
Got a draw, take a deep drag, baby,
It’s the real deal,
like Ronseal, baby
Got a draw, take a deep drag, baby,
It’s a deep, cheap
clean like Domestos Gel, baby
Sex, the Superglu
gonna seal our souls,
Love is the Loctite
gonna make us whole
The Mirror-Like White Light
As soon as you become aware of presence,
The moment I make myself known to you,
At that moment you will know me by what I do
And you will name me in accordance with your understanding of
“Who it is that you have named as the one who does the things I do”
And what is it that you perceive I do?
I rob you of your will, replacing it with mine,
I claim your soul as my own,
I require that you love me above all things.
And because you perceive that I kill you, rob you and enslave you,
And because I am unknown to you and you fear me,
And because you think you can see that I will take your precious jewels for my own,
That I will turn your hoarded treasure to ordinary stones,
Replace your material ‘gold’ with baser metals
And turn your living flesh to dry bones, you despise me,
You run from me.
Do not be afraid.
Even as you run from me
See that I am YOUR fear and that you have nothing to fear but fear itself, namely ME.
I am death, if that is what you fear.
I am The Devil, if it is The Devil you fear.
It is in this way that I am the mirror-like spirit at the beginning and the end of time.
When you run from my white light red-shift occurs: run, run, run!
See the fiery furnace of your imminent destruction in hot pursuit!
However fast you run the gates of hell draw closer!
Abandon hope.
Abandon hope and enter me.
I dare you to confront me,
I am your deepest fears!
You cannot run,
Walk towards me.
Walk into the fire.
Walk towards the light.
Do not abandon hope,
Abandon yourself.
Do not lose yourself,
Abandon yourself.
There now, my child,
There are no Devils, Magicians, Vampires, Ghosts, Demons.
Yes, there is a dual nature to the manifestations of individual forms that arise in my great wholeness:
Without duality there could not be variation
And without variation I would not be any different from the Nothingness.
I am Being.
I am The Being.
I am The Being at The Beginning and The End of Time.
I am The Beginning and of The End of Time.
I am Time.
The End of Time is The Beginning of Time.
The Beginning of Time is at The End.
I am the spirit of The Absolute, of Absolutely Everything,
I am the spirit of The Whole,
The Whole Spirit,
The Holy Spirit,
The Ghost of The Whole,
The Holy Ghost:
I am the Mirror-like-white-light!
All apparently individuated forms are expressions of my timeless, eternal overflowing expression of divine love, consciousness, intelligence and joy
And you better believe it, baby!
You thought I came to rob your will?
Your will was always mine.
You thought I wanted to steal your soul?
Your spirit never left the entirety of all.
You thought I required of you that I love you above all things?
I AM the true love above all things and through them.
Yes, when you die I will take back your jewels,
Both the trinkets that you borrowed and the precious gifts I gave you to equip you for your mission.
Do not be afraid,
In the end no-one is damned.
The destination of the most developed sages and the ultimate fate of all things:
Returning home to the Absolute Consciousness, Buddhahood.
Just as your dead body’s constituent elements will be slowly sorted and transformed in a chemical conversation with my soil
Your spiritual elements will be slowly sorted and transformed in a spiritual conversation with my soul,
If nothing remains of you following this conversation, if there is no crystal, no jewel,
Then you will simply know that you are G-d.
Let it be known:
You are free to return to me, at any time, in life or death,
You were always a mini-me to my Dr Evil,
Your personal nature not unlike mine in microcosm.
Oh, Brave Ones!
You who have stepped outside The Kingdom of Heaven!
Know then that you can return at any time.
I Was Mad, But I Came Back
Now everyone knows: yes, for a moment, I was mad - but I came back.
If I was still mad, this is what I would now say to you:
“Is it right for me to sell the things these hands have fashioned?
Were they ever mine to sell? Could I sell my hands themselves?
Like my hands, the things these hands have forged are gifts from that come from everywhere and nowhere. They were never mine to sell, I could no more sell my hands themselves.
Yes, I joyfully catch them! It is with the greatest pleasure that I interpret them. And throughout my life I have always, and will always, strive, against all odds, to score them for ‘reality’.
I was dreaming before I was born, and from that moment I knew I had to build a dreamcatcher. And now that, against all odds, I am finally become the semblance of The Dreamcatcher that I wished that I could build?
Then it is, alas, time to set about the ‘proper’ sharing - iceberg-tip-like - of my dream and vision.
My dreams and visions –
I must learn to let each one of you go, to fend for yourself – cast adrift into a world that only waits, a swarm of looming vultures perched, to tear you to shreds and consume you.
My dreams
ready to leave the nest,
and good riddance
it was only proper you should remain hidden from view
while you were getting changed into your ball-dress:
you can come out now, come out, please come out, do,
yes, people will laugh and look away –
but that is the point –
you are THE joke.
In all honesty, Truth,
though you look so very perfect now,
in your tattered gown –
you are,
I confess,
not what I would chosen to have dreamed at all.
But then you can no more chose your children’s path than your fathers.
Indeed - before I could properly see the proper way to build a dreamcatcher -
it was necessary, first, to choose my fathers’ path.
This is the manner in which I began planning for the past,
an operation that I fortuitously completed just half an hour before I began
- meaning it was not necessary to stay insane very long to achieve the desired effect
SALE OF THE CENTURY. Yes, indeed, I do actually have an unbelievable urge just to give it all away. Unfortunately, having offered a free service for 34 years, I now find myself in dire financial trouble. I am called to sell all I have and all I have are these dreams.
You are welcome to take first pick of this amazing never-seen-before windfall, this endless feast, namely the joy and fear of music. The first take is always the best – because the first take is the actuality, it IS the being of the thing itself, and everything else is just echoes. Let us commune joyfully in anything we share.
Now everyone knows: yes, for a moment, I was mad, but I came back.
Now, friendly-welfare-state-I-paid-for, allow this dreamseller enough time to set up his stall. Please! I am going to start playing your game. It is not my game, forgive me my trepidation, I find no joy in soiling my wares with your filthy money. Deal me in, Mr Bush, Mr Brown, I can play, see me selling people things that are already theirs? Have I learnt well? Do I get the job? I already got a job.
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Alternate title/cover, 2008 |
Last Lies From a Beast
My, my, my, Gypsy Girl, why, you’re so ah be-a-you-tea-full this mornin’,
There’s an aurora about you, your wings, they're trans-lucifer-scent in the half-light,
I’m half crazy when I’m about you - and how! - half crazy without you, now,
We’re so wicked! – but never lazy, baby - jus’ bountiful’n’hazy, baby,
It’s all in the scenes from The Cathedral at The End of Time,
Amazin’ grace, divine glory, shinin’ in in the mornin’, baby,
The last lines from the final act, the last lies from a beast
The first lady layed bare, Leo, at The Gates of Eden,
By bachelors and rapists, papists, vampires and Beelzebub’s first bride
At the Gates of The Illusion of The Dawn of Time - Listen! - Hide!
Its thunder sent at the at the wonderment of the eminent line,
We’re the A-list in heaven, but we’re the Z-list on earth,
Unless you’re prepared to put your head in the vice -
My hair is on fire, honey, so don’ get too close ...
I’m the pastor-physician, fixing up lines,
I’m the Master Magician, come to fix Time,
I’m shaggy, I’m baggy, baby, I’m erect, alert and perky,
I’m pinky, I’m pert, maybe I’m barking, but I’m I’m smart -
I’m John Steed: The Unavenger, on his final mission for Mother,
We’re Rosemary’s Babies, The White Horse has gone underground,
We’re all doing time and we’re the first in line to be released.
I’m magnetic, you’re pragmatic, we’re wasted, we’re wired,
You’re electric, you’re a lady, we’re ecstatic, we’re crazy,
We’re The World’s least favourite party – it’s time to get blasted!
We’re jelly babies, we’re wolfin’ blue Smarties,
We’re Sufi’s, but broken, on this blue, blue earth,
Lost upon heaven’s one true path, on mankind’s foul perfume,
Seduced - good book, line and sinker
I’m a mountain, you’re a valley, I’m treading on toes,
I’m trippin’ the light brightly, with a crystalline nose,
It’s a diamond, it’s breakfast, it’s Tiffany’s hearts,
It’s miracle lungs, things fall apart, I’m speakin’ in tongues.
I’m Aladdin, Gene Genie, splicing devils and angels,
Synchronised swimmers in a river of blood,
At mankind’s last orgy in the primordial mud
The succour, this candour, the Will’o’the Wisp,
This fucker will fuck her, then give her a kiss,
This necromancer’s a chancer, chooses where he lays,
Where’er his hatful o’ pennies is he stays,
This Joker’s last mime comes at the end of this verse,
Beelzebub’s birthday, the end of the curse,
It’s a miracle, baby, time will be reversed.
Love is unlocked and sex unconfused,
The unseen revealed, the story’s concludes.
Love is you, love is blinding,
The Mirror-like White Knight,
Love is The Dancer and Love is the light,
Love is the answer and Love is the key
To the door in the veil of the free.
There are no more delusions, illusions, no lies,
Now you’re The Lords of The Stars? Fuck the flies!
The vessel is empty, the vessel is full,
Upon the wheels of eternity the vessel is still,
I AM free, like the only One, in love with his lives,
As The Dragon adores the beast,
At The End of Time.
Fuck Music, fuse muses, debase the abusers,
My princesses are fuchsia’s, yours are illusions -
On Monday we’ll turn wine to water,
On Tuesday we’ll swim on the land,
On Wednesday we’ll eat the five thousand,
And on Thursday we’ll turn gold to sand
- The greatest miracle is THIS
We’ll spend a long time waiting and searching,
For the silver birch, The Moon, me and yew,
When the fig leaves, they fall, from The Great Masters,
We’ll stand naked and stoned, on the banks of The Thames,
The sacred scales will fall from our eyes
And Ra will tell us to return,
One more time.
For our souls weigh more than the bodies of men,
We’ll fall from the sky - yes - we all sold The World,
For a magic bean, an apple, and a single grain of sand.
I’ll call you a daffodil, for you’ll come in The Spring,
When the Green Man raise’ his hand o’er this land
One more time.
Final Message From The World to an Old Dog
I love, I love you, for the lump on your nose,
For your bloodshot eyes and your bum,
I love, I love you, for the bald spot on your tail,
For your drool, and smell of dog
and black, black gums ..
.. now DIE.
the end
.. now DIE.
the end
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