Monday, August 26, 2013


Dotted, daisy-like, amidst the morass of digital data
Emergent patterns fend for my attention -
The deficit. This hyperspace activity. My disorder.

& behind the veil? Beings & nothingnesses
In massive array. Meaningless. Both form and void,
Yet darkness was upon the face of the deep
Until the Spirit of the browser moved upon the face of the waters ..

& The American Standard Code for Information Interchange said,
"Let there be letters", & there were Words, & for a while the Word was God

Until the Joint Photographics Expert Group said,
"Let there be red, green & blue", & there were pictures,
& boy, it sure was good.

And thus it was: a friend, long-lost, last seen in 1982, in detention,
Located in Arkansas, materialised in person from that binary matrix we now call 'Home' -
He was subjected to my music & my ex, & my first course in insanity.

Now - a new pattern. It emerges. It catches my attention.
His girlfriend, perhaps, possesses a frivolous fetish for facial hair -
On film-stars. On her boyfriend. On a bear.
Three smiling girls all wearing moustaches. They are in America.

I know Everything. I see Everything. I am Everyone. I am Everywhere.

The Secret Poetry of the Cosmic Joke is this:
If it is not on facebook, then it does not exist!


  1. Reminds me of a science fiction short story I read about 25 years ago, which ended with the words: "And there was light"...

  2. Was it an unfinished draft of Genesis?


Please leave a comment, I is lonely ;)