Wednesday, May 27, 2009


'The letter K means: of god, to god, because of god. In the east it means the terror of god as felt by man' Leo

I'll tell you something, you'll end up taking more and more. And more. Why? Because its like its trying to tell you something. But every time you work out what it is? You come out of it and its gone - like you're shooting holes in the veil of illusion - but they close up quick as you can make 'em. Eventually a few of the holes stick. And now? You can't hear it, not exactly, 'cause its your own voice, its you - but its saying to you, or you can feel it,

"I got something to tell you, I GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!"

You gotta know what its gonna say, you gotta know! So you end up taking more and MORE - 'til finally the sheet is all shot through with holes and it falls away - and you didn't meditate yourself here, you've still got your old model of reality, you've still got your EGO, yer BAGGAGE - but its trying to co-exist with the sphere of universal archetypal characters and narratives buried deep in your unconscious. Your self has splintered in two & you will realise you haven't been born yet, when you comes face to face with yourself, ancient, unchanging One. The Singularity that expresses itself through a myriad masks of a shifting panoply of subselves - and this other is asking you this riddle,

"Who am I? Can you guess who I am? Who do you think I AM?'.

For a while this ancient, universal part of you might be stronger than you are, you're possessed by it - you're still there, but some OTHER is calling all the shots - until you work out the answer - "I AM YOU". Now, you might not be who you were before, not exactly, though that's in the mix, but there's AN OTHER veil, another riddle, yet it is the same riddle - "WHO AM I?". You keep on shooting holes, more and more holes, 'til this veil, too, it falls away - you've solved the riddle.

'Now I understand! What a relief,' you think, 'now I can stop putting this fucking white stuff up my nose, now I can stop speaking like an old bluesman, now I can start rebuilding my tiny life, my tiny life that The Celebrated Mr K so casually tossed away, this great small life, this life that once seemed like a river, long and winding - but with a beginning and an end - this life, that now seems life a drop of rain, with infinity within - a single snowdrop that has found the ocean.'

"There is no God where I AM"

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