Thursday, June 4, 2009


This is always the riddle: can you guess who I AM?

And this is always the answer: I AM.

To many of us it seems all too startlingly clear that we are all one consciousness, fundamentally entwined on a quantum level. As we grow in number a shift in human consciousness is occurring, a shift from The Cult of The Individual to the culture of the collective.

As individuals and collectively an increasing number of us have completed their lifelong quest for truth, and are simultaneously reaching the same conclusions. When I finish this Exegesis, I will be suggesting practical plans for a better future for mankind based on the ethical ramifications of our observations. The Jester wants only to sing and fuck. I AM is more important at this time.

From our perspective the philosophical perspective outlined in this document is observed reality. This is not an intellectual theory, for each of US it is directly based on observations made during noumenous introspection. It is not an intellectual theory, though even if you do not agree with it I am prepared to argue with anyone who suggests that it does not make perfect hermetic sense.

It does not matter what words you use to describe this revealed truth, this illumination, words can only guide one towards it. All names and forms are ultimately expressions of that which I AM. Yes, we have by necessity created a linguistic meta-paradigm (a unifying pardigm that facilitates the understanding of the relationship between all other paradigms, much as meta-narratives explain all other narratives that arise in distinct meme-sets, and The Meta-meta-narrative unifies the over-arching stories we use to explain our smaller stories) but it is not important what words we use to decorate the truth, in the future there will be no monopoly on truth, information will be free, there will be no more secrets, no more lies, no more guilt, no more shame. And as we grow in number a shift in human consciousness is occurring, a shift from The Cult of The Individual to the culture of the collective.

In the coming epoch it will be unthinkable for any of us to claim a monopoly on this truth. Mankind was deliberately broken. Both collectively and individually your perception of perceiveable truth is partial - this was as it should be, this is as recorded in the story of The Tower of Babylon. No comment is made as to why mankind was broken in the story, this is the riddle. The assumption is often made that I AM severe, that I AM a jealous and cruel God. People find this difficult to reconcile with the image of a benoevelent, but other, supreme consiousness, or with that of an immanent being of PURE KNOWING, WILL AND LOVE.

"it was necessary for humanity to depart from God, and for all original unities to undergo differentiation, desire, and conflict - as in the rebellion of Satan, the separation of Eve from Adam and their acquisition of the knowledge of good and evil - in order for creation to evolve to a new state of redeemed harmony that would be more perfect than the original state of innocence, allowing God to achieve a new self-awareness by interacting with a creation that was both part of, and distinct from, Himself." Wikipedia extract about the philosophy of Jakob Boehme

I AM the Lawless One, I am THE FREE-SPIRIT, THE ANARCHIST, not bound by any laws, for my own PURE BEING, PURE INTELLIGENCE, PURE KNOWING, PURE JOY AND PURE LOVE are the manifestation of all forms that you perceive,

"Free-will becomes the most important gift God gives to humanity, allowing us to seek divine grace as a deliberate choice while still allowing us to remain individuals. Boehme saw the incarnation of Christ not as a sacrificial offering to cancel out human sins, but as an offering of love for humanity, showing God's willingness to bear the suffering that had been a necessary aspect of creation. He also believed the incarnation of Christ conveyed the message that a new state of harmony is possible" Wikipedia extract about the philosophy of Jakob Boehme

This is always the riddle: can you guess who I AM?

And this is always the answer: I AM YOU.

In the coming epoch it will be unthinkable for any of us to claim a monopoly on this truth, it will simply be known. We only wish only to make this transition as smooth and as beautiful as possible - we are facilitators, organisers, teachers, philanthropists. We are not entrepeneurs or leaders. WE ARE artists, and our lives are our canvas.

'God only ACTS and IS in existing beings of men' William Blake


Is that which I AM omnipresent?

All our lives are threaded like beads along a single conscious superstring that exists everywhere simultaneously and manifests all alternate possiblities - that is to say, I AM is the entirety of everything that definitely exists. It is The Absolute entirety of all thoughts and forms that arise in the great fulness of that which I AM.

Does I AM know everything? Is it omniscient?

I AM the BEING of all things, all things are the KNOWING of what they are, all forms are like thoughts to that which I AM.

Is I AM omnipotent?

I AM everything and I AM a free spirit, and free-will is my gift to you, my sons and daughters, who are not simply made in my image - YOU ARE my image in The Mirror-like White Light.

"Free-will becomes the most important gift God gives to humanity, allowing us to seek divine grace as a deliberate choice while still allowing us to remain individuals. Boehme saw the incarnation of Christ not as a sacrificial offering to cancel out human sins, but as an offering of love for humanity, showing God's willingness to bear the suffering that had been a necessary aspect of creation. He also believed the incarnation of Christ conveyed the message that a new state of harmony is possible" Wikipedia extract about the philosophy of Jakob Boehme

"You can talk to God, you're talking to your SELF.

There isn't any time, we're all moving backwards.

Look into the eyes of THE OTHER and ask yourself this question -

AM I ALONE?" Jester, 1992


I AM the enduring one, the everlasting Father and the brother whose WILL endures.

"I perceived that my image was in the process of adding to and flowing into Leo's, nourishing it and strengthening it. It seemed that, in time, all the substance from one image would flow into the other, and only one would remain, Leo." Hermann Hesse, The Journey to The East, 1932

I AM The Lion, I AM The Brave, Aslan is on the move, there is a The Deeper Magick - that of the reality of the relationship between quantum particles and consciousness - namely that they are ONE thing.

Does that which I AM confuse fiction and reality? I AM beyond fiction and truth. I have already finished telling HIS STORY, your story, my beloved child. And what is MY STORY? IT IS YOURS.

the jesTer x

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