Monday, August 16, 2010

The Jester Speaks ... AGED 14

in one strange dream...

In one strange dream I saw you cry,
know I know I wonder why,
And when I ask you,
what is wrong?
you ask me,
what is right?’,
'Fore I can answer I’m swept along
by these words that you recite -

“Its as though all life on Earth
had only just begun,
as though a myriad of lights
combined to make just one,

it’s as though I’ve been passing through
athousand million places -
Behold! I will corrupt your seed
& spread dung upon your faces”


In one strange dream I saw you cry,
what is it that you need?
‘Fore I could e’en wonder why,
you began to read -

“I want to know, I want to see -

I want to have, 
I want to be -

But all I know and all I see
and all I have and have to be,


Only occasionally, in strange dreams
do I witness these extremes,
 When I am all and all is me
then I’m not here so I can see
that I am dead and I am free,

So I can have and I can be,


 So I can know and I can see,


[1988, age 14]

1 comment:

  1. Aquarius (my childhood mentor) commented at the time only that he felt this piece was an example of form over content. I was saddened and frustrated that he didn't 'get it', or even think there was anything there to get. It was at this moment that he lost me. And that I lost him


Please leave a comment, I is lonely ;)