Friday, December 4, 2009


Message from Indigo Society member (username: existencebeyondexperience) to The Jester (including his solutions and commentary on The Three Riddles at The Gates of Paradise )

I am the monolatric pan-panen-henodeistic theist unbeliever.

Pataphor is defined by same, but differently.

That one disagrees with all implies as if to say that to disagree is to be wrong, and to agree is to be wrong.

That 1 disagrees with 0 implies as if to say that 1*(0/0) is imaginary, when in fact the solution is 0.  but 0/0=1/1, so WTF?T

I'm not anti-anything;  you are, if you doubt the validity of the statement above.

"Push the envelope of your conception, and watch reality bend to your will" does not mean that i or you or anyone is 'The' God.  That one never existed, only as many 'A' Gods as there are believers.


World, Who Will Heal Thee?

We are all tHe lAst – propHets aT thE end of time.

physician, heal thyself.  take up thy stethoscope and walk.

* * *

Lover, What Are You Scared Of?

that which you most fear is love

the one who has nothing to lose has nothing to fear.

* * *

How Soon is Now?

TwO THOUsANd aNd twElVe!

Halley comes in 2063, and will be spectacular, even if i'm the only one on earth who gets to see it.

* * *

Response from The Jester:

Yes, that is the case, you are the first person who has said this to me, though it is not the first time I have said it to others. It makes me laugh.

I would be interested to read some more of your work, and to enter into a dialogue regarding the implications of theic-existentialism in the World of Actions. Why? Because of all the suffering in the world - this makes me cry.


The first ‘I’ saw it’s reflection in The Mirror-like White Light,
And it saw that it was good.
This was the first Narcissus,
Being and Nothingness,
I + 0,
I and Thou,
Me and You, and
This was the first Love.

*     *     *

Substance without form is insubstantial: this is Nothingness.
Form without substance is still information: this is Being.
Substance is Nothingness.
Form is Being.
1 = 0.
I am You.
Know thyself, for
This was the first Love.

*     *     *

There is no I, there is only Thou.
There is no Thou there is only I.
There is no Me, there is only You.
There is no You, there is only Me.

There are only I and Thou.
There are only You and Me.
Only Love is real, and
Ours was the first Love.

*     *     *

The following paragraph from 1992 (when I was 18) is neither the most eloquent nor the most profound illumination of this topic, but it is the first where I posit the equation 1=0.
Everyone is here that I have ever met; and many more besides. For this moment in time I am a pink balloon, the light shines through me as I drift towards The Sun. For the next moment I am light, travelling, so very fast - and I wonder, when I prove that 0=1, am I mad - or is this the core of everything?
I can travel through time like it was my dimension - I am not propelled through it - so changing direction is easy.
Say, didn’t I love you? There’s a letter on the fire. This is a nice colour mind, fire, a beautiful find, but everything moves - this is my life.
My whole life, this is a river, it flows. It flows. I am a river. I am a concerto, I am a piano, and everything is unchanged - though now it makes sense!
When I flow through thought my mind gets to the heart of the equation - everything breaks down and again I prove that 1=0.

This is four years earlier and clearly comes from the same perspective -

In one strange dream..
In one strange dream I saw you cry,
know I know I wonder why,
And when I ask you, ‘what is wrong?’
you ask me, ‘what is right?’,
‘Fore I can answer I’m swept along
by these words that you recite:

“Its as though all life on Earth
had only just begun,
It’s as though a myriad of lights
combined to make just one,
It’s as though I’ve been passing through
A thousand million places -
Behold! I will corrupt your seed
and spread dung upon your faces”

In one strange dream I saw you cry,
what is it that you need?
‘Fore I could e’en wonder why,
you began to read:

“I want to know,
I want to see,

I want to have,
I want to be,

But all I know and all I see,
And all I have and have to be,

Only occasionally, in strange dreams,
Do I witness these extremes,

In which I am all and all is me,
In which I’m not here and I can see,
That I am dead and I am free,

So I can have and I can be,

So I can know and I can see,

The Jester, 1988, aged 14

This makes me laugh now - when you say 'I'm not anti-anything - you are' and I write 'forget what you know - everything you know is wrong' -  we are not speaking to each other, but to 'them' - yet there is no "them" and "us"!

"God only acts and is in existing beings of men"
William Blake

You Know Who I AM
(Leonard Cohen)

I cannot follow you, my love,
you cannot follow me.
I am the distance you put between
all of the moments that we will be.

You know who I am,
you've stared at the sun,
well I am the one who loves
changing from nothing to one.

Sometimes I need you naked,
sometimes I need you wild,
I need you to carry my children in
and I need you to kill a child.

You know who I am,
you've stared at the sun,
well I am the one who loves
changing from nothing to one.

If you should ever track me down
I will surrender there
and I will leave with you one broken man
whom I will teach you to repair.

You know who I am,
you've stared at the sun,
well I am the one who loves
changing from nothing to one.

I cannot follow you, my love,
you cannot follow me.
I am the distance you put between
all of the moments that we will be.

You know who I am,
you've stared at the sun,
well I am the one who loves
changing from nothing to one.

WE are all the last prophets at the end of time! This makes me laugh.

"A point in every direction is the same as no point at all"
Harry Nilsson, The Point

I do not wish to make money, but to make a difference. I wish the wealth to be returned to collective ownership. I want to begin to act collectively, so am looking to find an appropriate collectively owned means of distributing our work that we can unite behind. I cannot find such a thing - this makes me cry.

I hope you do not mind me posting your message and this response on my blog, when I receive an interesting message and write a more involved response it seems appropriate to make it available to anyone who might be interested.

Lots of love


Writer / Graphics sampler:

Music(singing & guitar) / spoken word:

Community Arts Projects (currently very old, would like to make it a more general hub for our activities):

Blog about being my mother (with Alzheimer's) main carer:

"The Universe is the Practical Joke of the General  at the Expense of the Particular, quoth FRATER PERDURABO, and laughed.
But those disciples nearest to him wept, seeing the Universal Sorrow.
Those next to them laughed, seeing the Universal Joke.
Below these certain disciples wept.
Then certain laughed.
Others next wept.
Others next laughed.
Next others wept.
Next others laughed.
Last came those that wept because they could not see the Joke,
and those that laughed lest they should be thought not to see the Joke, and thought it safe to act like FRATER PERDURABO.
But though FRATER PERDURABO laughed openly,
He also at the same time wept secretly; and in Himself He neither laughed nor wept.
Nor did He mean what He said. " Onion Peelings, The Book of Lies


  1. In one strange dream, it really resonates with me.
    words of wisdom.

  2. Thank you T., not had any feedback on that poem since I wrote it 14yo, 20 ago. That criticism was from my childhood mentor, 'Aquarius' - he said I should concentrate more on meaning and less on form (ie- it didn't mean anything). I thought 'what kind of a mystic are you if that doesn't mean anything to you?'. It marked a turning point in my relationship with him and the Emin (by extension I thought "what kind of a spiritual journey is your 'search for truth' if this means nothing to your mystics?". The preceding poem is directly addressed to him, the unresolved emotion attached to this father-figure is palpable, as such it is a weaker poem for it is confrontational rather than transcendental - besides, I prefer traditional lyricism to the interminable free verse peddled by your fashionable contemporary poets - but it does spell out the meaning of the earlier work. Incidentally, 'The Searcher Reaches Land's End' is the name of the 14th card in the Major Arcana of the Emin tarot deck, 'Temperance' in the standard tarot and 'Art' in Crowley's Thoth deck. 'Behold I will corrupt your seed etc.' is a quote selected at random from the Bible, as if consulting the tarot, allowing the unseen worlds a hand in the composition - I was pleased with the oracle's recommendation as I was already deeply anti-establishment (more than I am now, now I feel like it had its purpose, but that it has reached its best-before date)x

  3. It just occurred to me that 'the poem before' I am referring to is at the following address (I didn't remember posting it again here, assumed this was the post you were commenting on):-


Please leave a comment, I is lonely ;)