Friday, October 9, 2009


There are lessons to be learned from the colourful and diverse expressions of the western 'prophets' of the past few centruries, not just from their works, but from their lives. It is my contention that they all agree on a single unifying philosophy that includes everything. I will try to point out the perfect correspondence, but it may be necessary to ponder the nature of Quantum Physics in regards to the nature of consciousness in order to fully perceive for yourself the perfection & symphonic quality of the tapestry of these assertions and predictions.

The sixteenth century shoemaker Boehme was overtaken with the feeling that he had a visionary message to impart. While 'philosophy' and 'prophecy' have been closely allied throughout the ages (one describes what is, the other what will be) we can see that Boehme is saying 'I am a theologian', rather than presenting himself as an old-style 'prophet'.

The word 'prophet' is pre-loaded with ideas in the collective psyche, ideas of adulation, and for the forming of an evangelical sect, whereas these philosophers concur with the Quakers in prioritising the individual's noumnous sensations of the divine over scripture and are critical of the hierarchical churches.

On Boehme's title pages he identifies himself as 'a Theosophist' and 'The Teutonic Philosopher'. He was an influence on Blake, who preferred to identify himself as 'The Writer and Printer'. So Blake takes this further and says 'I am an Artist', yet the bulk of his work is definitely specifically prophetic** and he doesn't really beat around the bush about actually being a prophet

Many of Boehme's ideas are transfigured in form, though unchanged in essence, in Blake's grand illuminated prophecy - a prophecy no-one would even begin to understand for more than half a century after his death (even today I feel many of his ideas are commonly misinterpretted).

Later Tolkien would (probably unconsciously) weave the very same mystical core into his legendarium.

Now I come to cross-reference my thinking - I can find no discrepancy between what I myself first thought, and those who thought it first. I can demonstrate that there is no contradiction between the philosophy of Boehme, Swedenborg, Blake, Crowley, Tolkien, Krishnamurthi or myself - the diverse forms of our individual manifestations, both our written legacies and the legends of our lives - are a demonstration of this unifying philosophy.

If one perceives a single, immanent, conscious Creator [The One]? Then it follows that the manifest world is a Creation, an Artwork of which we are 'sub-creators' [The Many].

Below I have fused a paragraph from Tolkien's creation myth 'Ailundale' with a paragraph from Crowley's Book of Lies:

When they [The Ainur, Angels] were come into the Void, Iluvatar [The One] said to them 'Behold your Music!' and he showed to them a vision, giving to them sight where before there was only hearing; and they saw a new world made visible before them, and it was globed amid the Void, and it was sustained therein, but was not of it. There is no silence in that Abyss: for all that men call Silence is Its Speech. This Abyss is also called "Hell", and "The Many". Its name is "Consciousness", and "The Universe", among men. And as they looked and wondered this World began to unfold its history, and it seemed to them that it lived and grew. And when the Ainur had gazed for a while and were silent, Iluvatar said again 'Behold your music! This is your minstrelsy; and each of you shall find contained herein, amid the design that I set before you, all those things which it may seem he himself devised or added. The Abyss of Hallucinations has Law and Reason; but in Truth there is no bond between the Toys of the Gods and thou, Melkor [the fallen Angel who imposes his own reason and law upon the natural world]  Reason and Law is the Bond of the Great Lie. Truth! Truth! Truth! crieth the Lord of the Abyss of Hallucinations. Thou, Melkor, wilt discover all the secret thoughts of thy mind, and wilt perceive that they are but a part of a whole and tributrary to its glory.

Later still George Lucas created the meta-narrative Star Wars, bringing these ideas to a wider audience; while Dan Brown has turned sacred geometry into a series of ludicruously popular detective stories, bringing what was formerly the reserve of certain esoteric schools within reach of anyone who can read 'Janet & John'. It is not relevant whether his conclusions are correct - through narrative he is teaching the ability to reinterpret sacred texts and geometry and to use these tools not to question one's faith, but to question the orthodoxy. None of these 'not-prophets' formed 'religions' - but their ideas have penetrated more deeply into the soul of our culture than those of any of those who did.

“They say to the seers, "See no more visions!" and to the prophets, "Give us no
more visions of what is right, tell us pleasant things, prophecy illusions."

Blavatsky fused Boehme's ideas with those of Edward Bulwer-Lytton**, the Rosicrucian writer and Magician, amongst others. Blavatsky, Leadbetter, Bessant et al did form an organised religion based on these ideas - Theosophy. Hierarchical and corrupt, it also harboured theories of root races that, along with the Nietzcsche's Antichrist and his other works, formed a good portion of the philosophical basis for Nazism.

"Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming,
even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last
hour." 1 John 2:18-19

The Theosophists also prophesied an imminent maitreya, a messiah. In the early twentieth century Leadbetter found him 'on the beach' and they groomed the young boy for the job. He did rather too well, disbanding The Order of The Star that had groomed him and damning organised religion (contrast with Richard Dawkins damnation of Spirituality and Religion in the same breath, as if they even shared tooth-brushes). Krishnamurthi went on to be one of the twentieth centuries most popular and profound mystical thinkers. What follows is a famous extract from the speech he delivered when he announced the end of the order and perhaps, the very beginning of the end of organised religion:

"We are going to discuss this morning the dissolution of the Order of the
Star. Many will be delighted, and others will be rather sad. It is a question
neither for rejoicing nor for sadness, because it is inevitable, as I am going
to explain....

I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any
path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I
adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless,
unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organised; nor
should any organisation be formed to lead or coerce people along any particular
path. If you first understand that, then you will see how impossible it is to
organise a belief. A belief is purely an individual matter, and you cannot and
must not organise it. If you do, it becomes dead, crystallised; it becomes a
creed, a sect, a religion, to be imposed on others." Krishna Murthi

** Edward Bulwer-Lytton, That Secret 'Ghost Story' in Precis: There is an area in Leytonstone erected by Edward's father, including a Bulwer Rd and a Lytton Rd. Of all the buildings erected at the same time there is a certain address alone that has a seven-tiered shrine in the garden, erected at the same time as the building, and the basement is reputedly daubed with alchemical symbols - the supernatural activity reported at this location turned out to bear very close comparison to a Lytton story I uncovered 'The House and The Brain'. If that isn't spooky enough - my main slogan during my 'crazy' year was 'The Pen is ACTually mightier than the sword'. I gave away free notebooks with this (and 'you can rewrite the book of your life - literally!') scrawled on the inside covers, and I incorporated and illucidated this theme over and over again in my work. I thought it was Shakespeare. When I finally checked, to see the context of the original quote - it wasn't by Shakespeare - it was by Edward Bloody Bulwer-Lytton!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009



Richard Dawkins says...

I cannot see a dog
Therefore there is no dog,
Thus there has never been a dog
And there never shall be any dogs,
The only dogs there were: wolves in men's minds.

I cannot see a God
Therefore there is no God,
Thus there has never been a God
And there never shall be any Gods,
The only Gods there were: wolves in men's minds.

It is these blind Gods inside that guide the blind to kill the blind
'For if another man's God's not mine - his is a lie'
For this & other crimes & for the travesty of Time,
These non-existent Gods DESERVE TO DIE!


G-D says ...


Was it THIS that killed THESE in HIS name?
Or was it Mankind?

Who is The Demiurge, is it YHWH?
Who is Urizen, The Architecht,
Melkor, The Lawmaker,
Beelzebub, Lord of The Flies?
On an island the children were left to fend for themselves -
Is THIS Mankind?

Who exactly 'DESERVES TO DIE'?


YOU, my daughtersons to come
You were never left alone
& you never left my home
I Love you

Nothing will be lost,
None of you suffering will ever have been in vain
I promise you this
You will see

Thou shalt not kill your Mythopoeia -
for it is what you are and it is your reason

Thou shalt not kill my Yourthopoeia -
it is what I AM and without it there is no reason



[The Jester's reply to thread on '' - the place where UFO freaks gather to discuss whether you can ward of alien abductions with Garlic and a crucifix, and freaks like me feel almost normal]

I think the very nature of this epoch is to over-complicate and confuse matters.

The truth about the nature of being is more miraculous, yet less complicated, than anticipated.

That there are conscious entities other than men? Certainly. They are 'Alien' in that they are other than individual men, and in that they are not familiar to most men; they are 'Angels' or 'Demons' in that they are not manifest materially. However, the material universe we generally agree is most 'real' - this originates in a more fundamental'dimension' or 'plane' that for a duration we have been prevented from seeing.

Utimately all of existence is the manifestation of a single immanent consciousness, 'that which I AM', and all these 'beings that are not men' are projected intermediaries between our consciousness and that of the one-handed, eagle-haloed time-bandit some call 'G-d'.

When we realise our unity with that which I AM we cease to perceive 'inside' and 'outside', we see all forms as multi-dimensional manifestations, forms that are as thoughts to that which I AM.

Is there to be an age where THEY take control? The only beings not aware of their unity with I AM are Men. Men are the only 'aliens' in this universe, and we are moving out of this age of Man's self-imposed suffering, war and slavery & into the age where the purpose of this endeavour is revealed.

'THEY never lost control' is the surface answer - the world is as a nursery, our Wars, our conflicts, and indeed the sum total of Mankind's experiences - these are our lessons, and what make us what we are.

'There is no US and THEM', this is the higher answer. Our individuality and free-will is, and always has been, a chimera & the root of all our suffering. Our manifestation, that of the many men - this is the highest expression of that which I AM.

The truth about the nature of being is that it is more infintely vast, yet vastly more intimate and tender, than anticipated.

So will this be the end of mankind?

You are The Chicken, Mother.
I am The Egg, Man.
When the Egg hatches there will be no more 'Men'.

Thank G-d for that!

(I laugh, for I AM ISIS)

(I laugh for Urizen)


(I laugh for Men)

I AM what I AM, YHWH,
Everything IS what it IS, ISIS,

I really like them, SAM I AM,
I really like green eggs &

thE jesTer


This Starman would like to check what the God of this “ROCK” (The Not-a-Prophet-but-a-stone-age-man The Celebrated Mr Bowie) is doing about finishing our musical about The End of Time.

I think it  should be screened in 24 hour long episodes leading up to 21.12.12., don't you?

Forgive all debt! 21.12.12
Reset the clock! 00.00.00

WE love you!
31/12/08 - 01/01/09

I wrote the above open-letter to David Bowie at the Hellmouth on New Year's eve, when I believed my alter-ego, 'The Celebrated Mr K', was the transvestite, rockstar/prophet/spaceman prophesied by The Not-a-prophet-but-a-stone-age-man Mr Bowie. I was on a mission - with five years left to 'The End of The World as we know it' (the nature of 'The End of Time' I prophesied was that of  'The Ending of Time' dialogues by Krishnamurthi and David  Bohm)

 I felt fine.



[Jester's reply to a post by Swordfish on message board]

Swordcat says "Its the ultimate chaos theory! Chaos by nature exists to do only two things, destroy all it infects and spread in all possible directions!".

Thats not the last word on chaos theory, Swordcat - thats the old-fashioned assumption about the nature of chaos. 'Chaos Theory' negates the existence of 'chaos' in this conventional sense, instead finding the implicate order in everything.

It is not our job to fight chaos, but to embrace the potential to utilise the implicit order of organic structures - to create systems that develop organically, and allow the new global community to order itself like a single living organism - which, indeed, it is.

It is the urge to order things too much that we oppose. Bureaucracy is Hell. Meaningless paper shuffling is a life in Hell. Pointless over-production and over-consumption is Hell.

Blake describes this tendency in man as 'Urizen' who "bears architect's tools, to create and constrain the universe; or nets, with which he ensnares people in webs of law and conventional culture."

Tolkien calls this archetypal character 'Melkor' - otherwise their cosmology is identical:-

"it had been his virtue (and therefore also the cause of his fall ...) that he loved order and coordination, and disliked all confusion and wasteful friction. Very slowly, beginning with fair motives: the reorganizing and rehabilitation of Middle-earth, 'neglected by the gods,' he becomes a reincarnation of Evil, and a thing lusting for Complete Power..

He made himself a great king in the midst of the earth, and was at first well-seeming and just and his rule was of benefit to all men in their needs of the body; for he made them rich, whoso would serve him. But those who would not were driven into the waste places... [He desired] to be both a king over all kings and as a god to men. And slowly his power moved north and south, and ever westward." The Silmarillion

I haven't read any Dan Brown, though I have called him a Genius in a previous article (by reaching such a large audience with a deeply subversive meta-narrative, he has empowered many people to "question everything they know" - this makes him a SUPERHERO in my book. Still not going to plough through that godawful prose, mind you, superhero or not. It would be worrying if people couldn't pick holes in the theories in his stories - do we need another 'Good Book' to be taken as 'Gospel'?).

Where was I? No, I have not read any of Dan Brown's books - but I have seen his new book in the window of the bookshop - I notice he has placed the architecht's tool in the upward pointing triangle of The Star of David/Seal of Solomon. This is the manifiest portion of the seal - the hidden element, the downward pointing triangle, contains nature and its self-organising systems, so long fought against by 'Urizen' or 'Melkor'. Both manifest and unmanifest forms are expressions of that which I AM, yet the Abrahamic traditions are prevented from seeing this by the seal, and thus assume their 'God' to be The Architecht alone - sorry, folks, but I AM also the Gardener.

‘Behold your Music! This is your minstrelsy; and each of you shall find
contained herein, amid the design that I set before you, all those things which
it may seem that he himself devised or added. And thou, Melkor, wilt discover
all the secret thoughts of thy mind, and wilt perceive that they are but a part
of the whole and tributary to its glory’ Tolkien, The Silmarillion

Technology is making countries and their governments increasingly irrelevent, and will inevitably lead to a united world - we favour an organic, decentralised unity: "a new global community" - the alternative, 'The New World Order', would be centrally controlled and highly vulnerable to the wayward weltenschaung of those who hunger for power - it would seem almost inevitable that it would be an extension of the period of Mankind's greatest suffering, not its ending.

We do not seek power, but to facilitate the arisal of new self-organising systems, systems NOT based on the lust for power, but rather on the common good. What is the difference between US and THEM? It is that we know there is no US and THEM, there is only US. There is no ME and YOU, there is only US - and we are that which I AM.

Those who wish to achieve peace?

History has shown us: you can't fight for peace. If you think you have a right to peace? WRITE FOR PEACE!

the jesTer


Friday, October 2, 2009


The Yellow Notebook

Dearly Beloved
I am gathered here today
to light a good fire on your grave
You always liked flowers
and you always loved
I strike the match

Swift fire’s contagion instantly infects nature’s finite shame

becomes Energy

Of every gifted rose’s remnants - savoured so long –
infinity enfolds each brittle petal, the labour of the ages

What once was [preserved between stained tissues, pressed
in Aesop’s Fables’ yellowed pages & saved for
favourite, special, sacred, moments & occasions] is no more

What remains? Now, that is a question for The Sages!
Sagely, they would answer with or without a single word -
whilst proper prophets and philosophers prefer to proffer The Yellow Pages

Guided by a gentle and mysterious hand, I ascended,
To the tender will of the still night’s airless breath, my spirit was subdued 
THIS is the greater current

THIS mighty river, THESE winding streams
threads of time, THIS ancient loom
THIS, the tree, & THESE, the leaves
THESE, the waves, &THIS, the sea


Hesse, that is I, THIS is HE:
“East is The Sea - THIS, The Sea, IS”

This is ‘HE THAT IS’: “Set, The Sea is HIS:
THIS is The Seat, HIS is The Seat, HIS is The Sea!”

Thea is a SHE, Isis is The Sea, that is, SHE is The Atheist,
SHE is THIS is THESE - A SHE, Thea, Isis - ’tis this: The Sea!

i hate you

When you took those words, when you spat them right out,
When you shat them right out on my spinning-top head -
Well, I spun and I span and the shit was spread
All over the walls and our nuptial bed
We’re wired
We’re twisted
We come together but we’re spiralling apart
Riding off into the sunset on our merry-go-round hearts

HOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD before breakfast

[Jester's reply to a post by Swordfish on message board]

This is always the answer: I AM.

Sorry for being absent so long, and leaving you hanging - though in my absense you have done a fantastic job of answering many of the most profound questions facing humanity without the assistance of this Fool.

The reason for my absence is that I am concentrating on my work - it is necessary for us to accurately communicate our message to as large an audience as possible, before or after my death - this is of no significance. I am also my senile mother's live-in carer, which places certain demands on my time.

The pen is ACTually mightier than the sword, for it is never the SWORD that kills - the weapon is an inert lump of steel - it is the WORDS inside the killer that seal the passion that raises the hand that strikes the blow.

What does this mean in practice?

This is about where real POWER lies! It lies in who it is that controls the meta-narratives - for it is the over-arching stories we use to explain our lives that govern our collective and individual mindsets and life-scripts.

What WE have is access to the uber-meta-narrative - that which explains, contains and untangles all the broken languages.

"There'll be the breaking of the ancient western code" The Future, Leonard Cohen

'But', you say, 'haven't we, in The West, been robbed of our meta-narratives, and had them replaced with a sterile rationalist, scientific weltenschaung?'

Wouldn't it be convenient if someone had already been subliminally reprogramming the Western 'collective unconscious' - feeding them an alternative, deeper history, and greater, more profound, more inclusive philosophy and world-view - and doing this in the most entertaining and understandable way possible?

“They say to the seers, "See no more visions!" and to the prophets, "Give us no more visions of what is right, tell us pleasant things, prophecy illusions."

You can observe the WILL for this to happen spreading across the centuries like a Spider's Web, THIS, mankind's greatest achievement - a secular canon that includes EVERYTHING. A chain that leads Jakob Boehme to William Blake to Crowley to Tolkien to The Big Screen. Star Wars, The Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code - all telling the same story from different perspectives, a story that transcends words, a story that is like a loom illuminated by words - all telling OUR story, not HIS story.

The shelves of HMV are stacked with vampire films, all part of a collective conversation about the nature of the immortal (from the early archetypes of pure evil the conversation has progressed, 'The Sin-eater' going so far as to suggest the vampire IS the human incarnation of The Alpha and The Omega, 'The Nude Vampire' culminating in the revelation that what the characters had taken for vampires were actually the next step in the evolution of mankind).

The fuse is lit and it is spreading like a virus - there is a unifying, knowable model of reality that transcends words and includes 'science' and that - through the ever deepening understanding of Quantum Mechanics - 'science' will also include.

The dialectic has probably already reached tipping point - but a door has been reached, and it is necessary to have a key to open this door before the assembled masses can huddle through. A key? Why, yes, we do have the secret codes. Its not rocket science! (or is it?).

We understand the exact nature of the reformation of the perception of The Divine Process, The Sephiroth - & this knowledge is as a virus or a bomb to the mystery schools, The Masons, The Rosicrucians, The New Kabbalists, The Old Jewish Mystics, Sufis, Crowleyists etc. It is quite simple to explain the nature of this change, I'm sure someone already has - but without the context of this revelation, and the manner in which it cross-references, it is just a powerless sentence. This sentence is:"when the reversal occurs the unmanifest Sephira of Da'at (higher knowledge) will become seen, and the duality of The Age of Pisces (sealed by The Seal of Solomon, which seals the 'I & Thou' relationship with The Divine and other men) will be reconciled and contained, and those Sephira which appear to the left and right of The Sephiroth, which are now manifest, will become unseen".

the jesTer
* * *

“It was necessary for humanity to depart from God, and for all original unities to undergo differentiation, desire, and conflict – as in the rebellion of Satan, the separation of Eve from Adam and their acquisition of the knowledge of good and evil – in order for creation to evolve to a new state of redeemed harmony that would be more perfect than the original state of innocence, allowing God to achieve a new self-awareness by interacting with a creation that was both part of, and distinct from, Himself.” Wikipedia extract about the philosophy of Jakob Boehme (you can get ALL his amazing books free at, if you want to corroborate this summary)