Tuesday, October 6, 2009


[Jester's reply to a post by Swordfish on Indigosociety.com message board]

Swordcat says "Its the ultimate chaos theory! Chaos by nature exists to do only two things, destroy all it infects and spread in all possible directions!".

Thats not the last word on chaos theory, Swordcat - thats the old-fashioned assumption about the nature of chaos. 'Chaos Theory' negates the existence of 'chaos' in this conventional sense, instead finding the implicate order in everything.

It is not our job to fight chaos, but to embrace the potential to utilise the implicit order of organic structures - to create systems that develop organically, and allow the new global community to order itself like a single living organism - which, indeed, it is.

It is the urge to order things too much that we oppose. Bureaucracy is Hell. Meaningless paper shuffling is a life in Hell. Pointless over-production and over-consumption is Hell.

Blake describes this tendency in man as 'Urizen' who "bears architect's tools, to create and constrain the universe; or nets, with which he ensnares people in webs of law and conventional culture."

Tolkien calls this archetypal character 'Melkor' - otherwise their cosmology is identical:-

"it had been his virtue (and therefore also the cause of his fall ...) that he loved order and coordination, and disliked all confusion and wasteful friction. Very slowly, beginning with fair motives: the reorganizing and rehabilitation of Middle-earth, 'neglected by the gods,' he becomes a reincarnation of Evil, and a thing lusting for Complete Power..

He made himself a great king in the midst of the earth, and was at first well-seeming and just and his rule was of benefit to all men in their needs of the body; for he made them rich, whoso would serve him. But those who would not were driven into the waste places... [He desired] to be both a king over all kings and as a god to men. And slowly his power moved north and south, and ever westward." The Silmarillion

I haven't read any Dan Brown, though I have called him a Genius in a previous article (by reaching such a large audience with a deeply subversive meta-narrative, he has empowered many people to "question everything they know" - this makes him a SUPERHERO in my book. Still not going to plough through that godawful prose, mind you, superhero or not. It would be worrying if people couldn't pick holes in the theories in his stories - do we need another 'Good Book' to be taken as 'Gospel'?).

Where was I? No, I have not read any of Dan Brown's books - but I have seen his new book in the window of the bookshop - I notice he has placed the architecht's tool in the upward pointing triangle of The Star of David/Seal of Solomon. This is the manifiest portion of the seal - the hidden element, the downward pointing triangle, contains nature and its self-organising systems, so long fought against by 'Urizen' or 'Melkor'. Both manifest and unmanifest forms are expressions of that which I AM, yet the Abrahamic traditions are prevented from seeing this by the seal, and thus assume their 'God' to be The Architecht alone - sorry, folks, but I AM also the Gardener.

‘Behold your Music! This is your minstrelsy; and each of you shall find
contained herein, amid the design that I set before you, all those things which
it may seem that he himself devised or added. And thou, Melkor, wilt discover
all the secret thoughts of thy mind, and wilt perceive that they are but a part
of the whole and tributary to its glory’ Tolkien, The Silmarillion

Technology is making countries and their governments increasingly irrelevent, and will inevitably lead to a united world - we favour an organic, decentralised unity: "a new global community" - the alternative, 'The New World Order', would be centrally controlled and highly vulnerable to the wayward weltenschaung of those who hunger for power - it would seem almost inevitable that it would be an extension of the period of Mankind's greatest suffering, not its ending.

We do not seek power, but to facilitate the arisal of new self-organising systems, systems NOT based on the lust for power, but rather on the common good. What is the difference between US and THEM? It is that we know there is no US and THEM, there is only US. There is no ME and YOU, there is only US - and we are that which I AM.

Those who wish to achieve peace?

History has shown us: you can't fight for peace. If you think you have a right to peace? WRITE FOR PEACE!

the jesTer


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