Tuesday, October 6, 2009


[The Jester's reply to thread on 'ufoseek.com' - the place where UFO freaks gather to discuss whether you can ward of alien abductions with Garlic and a crucifix, and freaks like me feel almost normal]

I think the very nature of this epoch is to over-complicate and confuse matters.

The truth about the nature of being is more miraculous, yet less complicated, than anticipated.

That there are conscious entities other than men? Certainly. They are 'Alien' in that they are other than individual men, and in that they are not familiar to most men; they are 'Angels' or 'Demons' in that they are not manifest materially. However, the material universe we generally agree is most 'real' - this originates in a more fundamental'dimension' or 'plane' that for a duration we have been prevented from seeing.

Utimately all of existence is the manifestation of a single immanent consciousness, 'that which I AM', and all these 'beings that are not men' are projected intermediaries between our consciousness and that of the one-handed, eagle-haloed time-bandit some call 'G-d'.

When we realise our unity with that which I AM we cease to perceive 'inside' and 'outside', we see all forms as multi-dimensional manifestations, forms that are as thoughts to that which I AM.

Is there to be an age where THEY take control? The only beings not aware of their unity with I AM are Men. Men are the only 'aliens' in this universe, and we are moving out of this age of Man's self-imposed suffering, war and slavery & into the age where the purpose of this endeavour is revealed.

'THEY never lost control' is the surface answer - the world is as a nursery, our Wars, our conflicts, and indeed the sum total of Mankind's experiences - these are our lessons, and what make us what we are.

'There is no US and THEM', this is the higher answer. Our individuality and free-will is, and always has been, a chimera & the root of all our suffering. Our manifestation, that of the many men - this is the highest expression of that which I AM.

The truth about the nature of being is that it is more infintely vast, yet vastly more intimate and tender, than anticipated.

So will this be the end of mankind?

You are The Chicken, Mother.
I am The Egg, Man.
When the Egg hatches there will be no more 'Men'.

Thank G-d for that!

(I laugh, for I AM ISIS)

(I laugh for Urizen)


(I laugh for Men)

I AM what I AM, YHWH,
Everything IS what it IS, ISIS,

I really like them, SAM I AM,
I really like green eggs &

thE jesTer

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