Friday, October 2, 2009

HOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD before breakfast

[Jester's reply to a post by Swordfish on message board]

This is always the answer: I AM.

Sorry for being absent so long, and leaving you hanging - though in my absense you have done a fantastic job of answering many of the most profound questions facing humanity without the assistance of this Fool.

The reason for my absence is that I am concentrating on my work - it is necessary for us to accurately communicate our message to as large an audience as possible, before or after my death - this is of no significance. I am also my senile mother's live-in carer, which places certain demands on my time.

The pen is ACTually mightier than the sword, for it is never the SWORD that kills - the weapon is an inert lump of steel - it is the WORDS inside the killer that seal the passion that raises the hand that strikes the blow.

What does this mean in practice?

This is about where real POWER lies! It lies in who it is that controls the meta-narratives - for it is the over-arching stories we use to explain our lives that govern our collective and individual mindsets and life-scripts.

What WE have is access to the uber-meta-narrative - that which explains, contains and untangles all the broken languages.

"There'll be the breaking of the ancient western code" The Future, Leonard Cohen

'But', you say, 'haven't we, in The West, been robbed of our meta-narratives, and had them replaced with a sterile rationalist, scientific weltenschaung?'

Wouldn't it be convenient if someone had already been subliminally reprogramming the Western 'collective unconscious' - feeding them an alternative, deeper history, and greater, more profound, more inclusive philosophy and world-view - and doing this in the most entertaining and understandable way possible?

“They say to the seers, "See no more visions!" and to the prophets, "Give us no more visions of what is right, tell us pleasant things, prophecy illusions."

You can observe the WILL for this to happen spreading across the centuries like a Spider's Web, THIS, mankind's greatest achievement - a secular canon that includes EVERYTHING. A chain that leads Jakob Boehme to William Blake to Crowley to Tolkien to The Big Screen. Star Wars, The Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code - all telling the same story from different perspectives, a story that transcends words, a story that is like a loom illuminated by words - all telling OUR story, not HIS story.

The shelves of HMV are stacked with vampire films, all part of a collective conversation about the nature of the immortal (from the early archetypes of pure evil the conversation has progressed, 'The Sin-eater' going so far as to suggest the vampire IS the human incarnation of The Alpha and The Omega, 'The Nude Vampire' culminating in the revelation that what the characters had taken for vampires were actually the next step in the evolution of mankind).

The fuse is lit and it is spreading like a virus - there is a unifying, knowable model of reality that transcends words and includes 'science' and that - through the ever deepening understanding of Quantum Mechanics - 'science' will also include.

The dialectic has probably already reached tipping point - but a door has been reached, and it is necessary to have a key to open this door before the assembled masses can huddle through. A key? Why, yes, we do have the secret codes. Its not rocket science! (or is it?).

We understand the exact nature of the reformation of the perception of The Divine Process, The Sephiroth - & this knowledge is as a virus or a bomb to the mystery schools, The Masons, The Rosicrucians, The New Kabbalists, The Old Jewish Mystics, Sufis, Crowleyists etc. It is quite simple to explain the nature of this change, I'm sure someone already has - but without the context of this revelation, and the manner in which it cross-references, it is just a powerless sentence. This sentence is:"when the reversal occurs the unmanifest Sephira of Da'at (higher knowledge) will become seen, and the duality of The Age of Pisces (sealed by The Seal of Solomon, which seals the 'I & Thou' relationship with The Divine and other men) will be reconciled and contained, and those Sephira which appear to the left and right of The Sephiroth, which are now manifest, will become unseen".

the jesTer
* * *

“It was necessary for humanity to depart from God, and for all original unities to undergo differentiation, desire, and conflict – as in the rebellion of Satan, the separation of Eve from Adam and their acquisition of the knowledge of good and evil – in order for creation to evolve to a new state of redeemed harmony that would be more perfect than the original state of innocence, allowing God to achieve a new self-awareness by interacting with a creation that was both part of, and distinct from, Himself.” Wikipedia extract about the philosophy of Jakob Boehme (you can get ALL his amazing books free at, if you want to corroborate this summary)

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