The Yellow Notebook
Dearly Beloved
I am gathered here today
to light a good fire on your grave
You always liked flowers
and you always loved
I strike the match
Swift fire’s contagion instantly infects nature’s finite shame
becomes Energy
Of every gifted rose’s remnants - savoured so long –
infinity enfolds each brittle petal, the labour of the ages
What once was [preserved between stained tissues, pressed
in Aesop’s Fables’ yellowed pages & saved for
favourite, special, sacred, moments & occasions] is no more
What remains? Now, that is a question for The Sages!
Sagely, they would answer with or without a single word -
Sagely, they would answer with or without a single word -
whilst proper prophets and philosophers prefer to proffer The Yellow Pages
Guided by a gentle and mysterious hand, I ascended,
To the tender will of the still night’s airless breath, my spirit was subdued
THIS is the greater current
THIS is the greater current
THIS, the tree, & THESE, the leaves
THESE, the waves, &THIS, the sea
Hesse, that is I, THIS is HE:
“East is The Sea - THIS, The Sea, IS”
This is ‘HE THAT IS’: “Set, The Sea is HIS:
THIS is The Seat, HIS is The Seat, HIS is The Sea!”
Thea is a SHE, Isis is The Sea, that is, SHE is The Atheist,
SHE is THIS is THESE - A SHE, Thea, Isis - ’tis this: The Sea!
i hate you
When you took those words, when you spat them right out,
When you shat them right out on my spinning-top head -
Well, I spun and I span and the shit was spread
All over the walls and our nuptial bed
We’re wired
We’re twisted
We come together but we’re spiralling apart
Riding off into the sunset on our merry-go-round hearts
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